xx. looks like we're heading to cuba

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━━━ VVV ━━━


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BACK TO NORMAL. Everything was back to normal. The halls were once more loud, their rooms being decorated with more random objects, and the mansion regaining the warmth that they have sorely missed. And it was such a relief. Like a thorn had been taken out of them and leave them to bask under the joyful presence of being met by an everyday mischief.

Veni didn't keep any secret from them. The moment they got home, she told them what happened and that her aunt literally pushed her out of the hospital saying that she should go back and kick some stinky ass and maybe puncture another hole on that red mutant's other hand. Charles had furrowed his eyebrows at the last part and asked her questions which she ignored tremendously. But everyone could also feel how the two looked more relaxed. How the uncomfortable tension between them was gone and replaced by something magnetic that allowed them to silently make guesses that something more might have happened that she wasn't telling them.

So here they are, three days later, each individual confident with the progress they were making regarding their trainings. The day was only starting, dusk still lingering outside the property. Yet there were obnoxious series of knocks that shocked Erik as he grumpily swung his door open.

“Buenos días!” Veni stood there, a large grin on her face.

Erik didn't focus on her spanish greeting, he also didn't give her a snarky response like he always did. His eyes just blinked rapidly as he examined what the girl was wearing. It was the very attire that he imagined a witch would sport. Large pointy hat, long flowing robes, victorian-esque dress, and all were dull with only black and white as the theme colors.

Though just like everytime she did this, he slowly shut the door, opening it enough to leave a little gap and narrow his eyes at her.

“You can't enter.”

“I will enter.”

“You will not.”

“I will invade and you can't stop me.”


Veni sighed, knowing what he was hinting at so she just reassured him, “Umbra's with Raven. You don't have to worry about my 'little demon' breaking into your room. There! Happy? Can I enter now?”

Erik feared nothing. He was no coward at all. Drowning, fighting, getting caught, facing Shaw. None of them scared him.

But that fat black cat? That's a whole different story.

Nodding contentedly, he fully pushed the door open, letting her enter as he got ready with his day.

“Aside from blessing me with the sight of you finally succumbing to your witchy identity, should I be worried about another bomb being thrown to my feet and be forced to throw it out of the window?” Erik questioned, his suspicion settling into mere nonchalance by the days he's spent with her.

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