viii. self-proclaimed teacher's pet

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WHOEVER SAID THAT the more time you'd spend with someone you barely knew would help you understand them clearly was a liar

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WHOEVER SAID THAT the more time you'd spend with someone you barely knew would help you understand them clearly was a liar. All hopes and dreams about slowly comprehending the personality of the witch had completely diminished as her unpredictable nature seemed to take the spotlight wherever she went.

Alex believed that perhaps after spending the whole day with Veni yesterday would bid him the chance to get to know her. And to an extent, he did. But then it now dawned on him that he probably only barely scratched the surface when it came to identities.

Being a person who preferred isolation made a huge impact to his socializing abilities. Although he did think that maybe it helped him develop a skill about intense observation like knowing a person by a single moment of watching their body language. But now he was contemplating that act. It seemed that he needed more practice to actually master that aspect of wide awareness.

The moment he awoke from his admittedly restful slumber, he felt heaviness. This instantly caused panic to bloom in him. Was he dying? Was he finally being punished about the sins he's done in his entire life no matter how minor they were? He didn't know if he was having a nightmare. He didn't know what the hell was happening and it made him extremely worried.

His eyes snapped open like a dead person regaining his life and waking up on the ground above the place he had been dug in. Deep, heavy breaths matched with the still heavy weight he was feeling. The mutant's eyes wandered around the room in a flurry, only calming down once he spotted Veni sitting peacefully on his body— WAIT WHAT?!

“You're finally up.” she nonchalantly said, turning the book she was reading to another page. “Had a nice sleep?”

Alex was rendered unable to speak, still on the verge of questioning things. What was she doing in here? How did she mistake him as a chair? Why was Umbra laying on the pillow beside his head? He shook his head at all the thoughts.

“Am I dreaming?” he mindlessly asked.

Finally, Veni glanced up from her book and raised her head to look at him. “Are you?”

“I don't know.”

Shrugging her shoulders, the witch suddenly extended her hands and without word pinched his nipples. Alex released a pained exclamation, shooting her a look of disbelief. “What was that for?!”

“Do you still think you're dreaming?” she simply inquired.

“Well, not anymore!” he huffed.

It however still didn't explain why on earth she chose to relax in a meditative pose right on his bare torso. But as he could now grasp that he was in the real world, a slight churn had twisted in his stomach. A stir going on in him as the sunlight of the covered windows softly touched the girl's skin, providing it a golden glow as her fiery hair danced dazzlingly with the wind. The freckles on her cheeks reminded him of the stars that glittered along the skies, complimenting her beady eyes which pulled him in like the waves of the ocean. He couldn't help his mind as it developed images, scenes, and vivid sounds as he continued to stare. And it made him nervous by the second. Because after all, Alex Summers was still young. No one could blame him as indecent thoughts overtook his mind at the sight of a beautiful lady positioned on top of him.

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