xii. illegal entering of settlement

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IT WAS ONE of those days where the young witch had the urge to distance herself away from the people

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IT WAS ONE of those days where the young witch had the urge to distance herself away from the people. One of those days where she felt a massive wave of preferred isolation to bloom inside her. Perhaps she finally felt herself become full from all the socializing she's done throughout the many days she spent in the mansion. But it was worth the effort though, seeing as she did create bountiful progress with what her aunt once called the beauty of friendship and acquaintance.

Veni could say she was happy with her current standing with the mutants. Each were different, but each were cherished. For Raven, as both being the only girls due to Moira having to leave every now and then, they bonded together and became the trusted best girl friend of one another.

With Hank, which Veni had a long conversation with about how she demanded immense changes to be done to her suit, they had a somewhat tolerable relationship where each could tell the other about what was bothering them. It was a long process for the girl, getting him to open up to her, but eventually she did. And they were comfortable enough to share their insecurities.

Then there was Sean, her partner in crime when it comes to causing mischief in the Xavier mansion. The other settlers were deeming their actions as normal as the days passed by, finding the pranks that they do to be a color to their dull training-ridden lives. And the two gingers became an alliance when it came to annoying the others whether it be with minor pranks or plain rambling.

Erik was fairly easy to establish a strong connection with. Possibly because there was an unspoken perspective to the two of them, an invisible string that bound them in a familial bond. There were times when the magnetic mutant became unconsciously protective about the girl, showcasing an undeniable fatherly behavior. And Veni just about took the immature role with a happy grin, making sure to let him experience the absolute chaos and madness that came with having children.

Little things mattered to them. He didn't realize how she saw the beautiful bouquet of flowers placed neatly inside a vase on his bedside table when she went to wake him, how the simple notion of keeping it brought towering joy to her, or even how she discreetly uttered a lingering spell to give the flowers a long-lasting life.

But Erik enjoyed their little moments, which he swore to never ever reveal as it would only worsen the harmless games the witch would give him.

On the other side of the older mutant people, there was Charles who up to this day, continues to add more playful irritation to the list she was making. He was bent on giving daily tasks to the girl, not admitting how the banter they would share would always ease him away from worry and stress. Their silent war was an ongoing occurrence, a feud that was quiet for them but loud for the others. The battlefield was clear of violence, but the passive aggressive retaliations were there.

The door to the room suddenly opened, her not even bothering to look up to know who it was.

"If you have Charles with you then I suggest you get out before I take immediate action by spitting curses at you like the terrifying hag that I am." she warned.

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