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Nya's Pov

Walking into the BAU, I was honestly scared. It was new territory, I just knew I couldn't let myself get sucked into this team, I had a mission to complete.

When I walked into the main desk area in the BAU headquarters, A tall-ish white man with black hair approaches me.

"Agent Griffin, Its nice to meet you, I'm Aaron Hotcher, and this is my team."

"It's nice to meet you."

I face his team who was standing in front of me, Im surprised to see a familiar face. Derek walks toward me.

"Nya Griffin"

"Derek Morgan"

We hug each other.

"You two know each other?" A women with weird style asks Derek.

"We were bestfriends in High school, we were inseparable." Derek answers.

"Nya, this is Penelope Garcia, our tech analyst here at the BAU." Derek says to me.

"Its really nice to meet you."

The others introduce themselves to me. Jennifer Jareau was a blonde haired Goddess, and David Rossi was definitely a wise man. 

"Wheres Spencer?" Derek asks everyone.

"Im here" A distant voice says.

I look behind me and see a tall man with the cutest hair running as if he was really late.

"Sorry guys, I was up at night looking for this German version of To kill a mockingbird, and I overslept" The man said.

"uhm uhm, we have a new member on the team, genuis." Derek says.

He turns to me. He was so handsome. I was slightly nervous when he came to shake my hand.

Spencers Pov

I put my hand out in order to shake her hand.

"I'm Dr. Spencer Reid"

"Im Nya Griffin"

Her eyes sparkled. She's Gorgeous, I've never seen someone so beautiful in my life.

"Spencer, since you came late, you get to brief Agent Griffin on the case, wheels up in 30." Agent Hotcher says.

Nya and I went upstairs into the conference room and sat down.

"the unsub rapes and kills his victims and leaves them in body bags." I say after showing Nya The photos of the crime scene

"I'm sorry, unsub?" She asked.

"Unknown subject, it's another terminology for suspect."

"Ah, so why is this unsub doing this to his victims?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out."

"Were any of his victims prostitutes?"

"All of them were prostitutes."

"this is literally insane." Nya says.

"Yeah it is."


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