Mystery girl (Part 1)

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Nya's POV

The Caller: Nya, I need you to hurry up and complete this mission, you've gotten too close with this team, you didn't come here to make friends, you came to do your job.

"I just need more time." I replied.

The Caller: You don't have any more time. I need you to kill him by next week or you lose your job.

I hang up the phone and sat down when Spencer comes outside to the patio to check on me.

"Hey, who were you talking too?" Spencer asks.

"No one, just got into an argument with a friend, that's all."

"Really, because it doesn't look that way, you know I can tell when you're not telling me something, you have that crinkle above your nose, so just be honest with me and tell me what's going on." Spencer says as he sits down in front of me.

"I can't."


"Spencer can you please just leave it alone? I'm tired and I'm gonna go back to bed."

"Ok" Spencer says.

I walk back into the house and go into our room. I couldn't tell Spencer who I was on the phone with, I couldn't tell him why I was even here in the first place, not yet, not until my mission was over.

Spencer's POV

Nya and I haven't spoken since this morning, I hated the fact she didn't feel comfortable enough to tell me what was going on.

"Hey, whats going on between you and Nya, you two can never keep your hands off of each other and now you guys will barely look at each other, whats up?" Derek asks while walking towards me.

"she's hiding something from me and she wont tell me what it is. Do you think she might be cheating on me?"

"Look dude, I will never understand Nya's reasons for choosing you over the billions of guys in the world, but she chose you and she stands on that choice everyday, she can't even imagine being without you so no, I don't think shes cheating on you, look, whatever it is i'm sure she'll tell you, just give her some time."

"Thanks." I said.

The team and I gather in the conference room to discuss a new case.

"There are at least 5 children in Milwaukee, Wisconsin who were found hung from trees and their legs were stabbed." Garcia said.

"I'm guessing the stabbings occurred antemortem." Nya said.

" That is correct, apparently they were hanged but it was the stabbings that actually killed them." Garcia said.

"yeah, because of the loss of blood and the squirming and panic of being stabbed is what killed them faster than the hanging would." Nya replied.

"I think you've been spending too much time with Spencer." Derek said.

Everyone laughed.

"Wheels up in 30." Hotch said.

Nya's POV

I stepped outside of the conference room for a second to take a call.

"I have new information on the target, I'm pretty sure he's staying in Milwaukee."

The Caller: Good Job, Nya, keep up the good work and remember you cant let anyone know what you are doing here.

I hang up the phone when Spencer creeps up behind me and scares me.

"Can you please not do that? You almost scared the crap out of me." I said.

"Sorry, who were you on the phone with?" Spencer asks.

"No one."

I tried to walk past him but he wasn't letting me walk by.

"I will tell you when this is all over, I promise." I said.  

The whole team and I were on the plane and I was sitting by myself looking out the window.

"So what is it like being engaged?" Emily said as she sat in front of me.

"well its not marriage so it can really end any moment if you ask me."

"trouble in paradise?" Emily asked.

"Is it that obvious? Spencer and I just haven't been the same lately, and its my fault, its just there are certain things I just cant tell him yet."

"Makes sense, I mean everyone has their secrets, just make sure it don't let it ruin your relationship." Emily said.


"Emily and Nya, I need you two to head to the police station, Morgan, Reid and JJ, you guys can head to the crime scene, and Rossi and I will go see the medical examiner." Hotch said.

So that's what we did. Emily and I went to the police station and greeted the officers and started to set everything up for the investigation.

"Nya, theres an officer over there who cant take his eyes off you." Emily says.

"so? he doesnt see the huge engagement ring on my finger, i'm sure he can see it from over there." 

"Apparently not because hes coming over here."

"What? Where you going? Dont leave me!! ughhhh, I cant believe this women just left me to speak to this man."

"Hey" the officer says.

"Dude, dont even try it, im engaged." I said.

"Oh, i'm sorry, I didnt know." 

"Poukisa ou toujou ap pale avem?" I said
Translation: why are you still speaking to me?

"Mwen renmen pale avec bèl fanm." The officer said.
Translation: I like speaking with pretty women.

"Wait back up, you speak creole?" I ask.

"Yes, I was actually born in Haiti, guess I just found someone who hits close to home."

"Ha, nice try, but I'm engaged, now you can respectfully make your way back over there."

He doesn't say anything back, he just walked back to where he came from.

"So what happened? did you tell him off?" Emily asked while running to sit next to me.

"You're horrible." I said and we both started laughing.

Spencers POV

"Spence, What are you doing? You cant just sit and be on your laptop while Derek and I do all the work." JJ said.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't stop thinking about who Nya was on the phone with earlier so I kinda hacked into her phone records."

"What?" Derek and JJ said in unison.

"I know its bad and I trust Nya with my life, I just have a really bad feeling about this, I even tried to pull her file and almost all of her information is classified."

"Thats weird, as an FBI agent, none of your information should be classified from our database." JJ said.

"Exactly." I responded.

"she's hiding something." Derek said.

"And I need you guys to help me find out what it is." I said.

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