IVF (The Dawn)

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Nya's POV

"Aren't you guys just glad to be back, where it reeks of criminal investigations?" Penelope said as we all walked into the BAU.

"Yes, Of course, we missed all the action," Nya said.

Spencer, Penelope, and I walked up to Derek who was at his desk.

"You all seem happy," Derek said.

"We are happy, our two lovebirds are back," Penelope said.

"Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom I'll be right back," I said before kissing Spencer on the cheek. 

I walked into the restroom and then into the stall, Ive been having these stomach pains but didn't realize I was on my period till I actually saw the blood. I put a pad on and then ran back outside.

"Guys, guess what?" I said.

"What?" Derek said.

"I'm on my period," I replied.

"You know you really shouldn't be telling people that out loud," JJ said as she walked into the conversation.

"No, Guys, I'm on my period which means Spencer and I's first day of IVF will start today."

"That's amazing, I really hope everything goes well," Penelope said as she gave me and Spencer a hug.

"Hope what goes well?" Hotch asked as he walked downstairs with Rossi

"Oh, Hotch, Spencer, and I have to go," I said.

" Why?"

"We have to go to the fertility clinic because I am on my period, meaning we can start our IVF cycle today which is great right?"

"You do know you can't just leave your job, correct?" Hotch said.

"I know, but we'll make it up to you," I said as I approached the elevator.

"Sorry, Hotch, she's just really excited," Spener said as he followed me into the elevator.

Spencer's POV

"You don't have to be so nervous," I said to Nya as we were waiting for the doctor to enter the room.

"I'm not nervous," Nya responded.

"Your hands have been shaking nonstop since we got here. Your hands always shake when you're nervous."

"I hate it when you do that."

"Do what?" I asked.

"Know everything about me and point it out every time it needs to be pointed out. "

"You love it when I do that."

"Yeah, I know," Nya said with a sigh.

"Look, babe, it's going to be fine. The doctor will come in and tell us how to start our IVF cycle and everything will be fine."

"Ok, but what if the embryo doesn't grow? what if we can never have a baby again?" Nya asked.

"We can't think like that, We've barely even started."

"I'm scared, Spencer."

"I know, but we are in this together, and I will always catch you when you fall."

"Thank you," Nya says.

The doctor walks in and begins telling us exactly what we have to do to start our IVF.

"With the first phase of IVF, we stimulate your ovaries to help your body produce eggs it has created naturally. This involves a series of injections or medications. You can keep in contact with our clinic to walk you through the process and guide you at home and since you already took the necessary tests, I can prescribe the necessary injections as soon as you're ready ."

"How long is the IVF process expected to take?" Nya asked.

"For the Egg retrieval simulation cycle ranges from 10-14 days. After the embryos get fertilized, it takes two weeks to receive the genetic testing results. After we transfer the embryo, you will have to do a pregnancy blood test 10 days after implantation. We will continue to follow up with the pregnancy until the 10-week OB ultrasound. After that, you will be discharged to the OB."

"And how much would this whole thing cost?" I asked.

"A single IVF cycle would be between 15,000 and 30,000."

"Wow, that's a lot. Maybe I should sit down." I said.

"And how would they even get my eggs?" Nya asked.

"Transvaginal ultrasound aspiration. It's when an ultrasound sound device is placed in the vagina to find sacs in the ovaries that contain the eggs. Then a thin needle is inserted to go through the vagina and into that sac to collect the eggs."

"So basically your putting a needle into my vagina and sucking the eggs out into that needle?" Nya said.

"Yes basically." The doctor responded.

"Will she be in any pain?" I asked.

"No, anesthesia will be used so she shouldn't feel a thing, but she would most likely have some cramping for a couple days after." 

"Ok, when will we be able to start?" Nya asked. 

"Tomorrow, actually, I will send the prescription for the injections and your insurance does cover most of it but you will still have to pay a fee of some sort. You have to take these injections every day at the same time, be consistent because it is the key to stimulating your ovaries." 

"Don't worry Doc, I'll make sure she takes them, you can count on that," I said while shaking the doctor's hand. 

"Call me if you need anything." The doctor says. 

Nya's POV

We left the clinic and were on our way home.

"Can we go to Wendy's?" I asked.  

"You're hungry already?" Spencer asked in response. 

"Yes, All this IVF talk is making me hungry." 

"OK, I'll take you there before we go to the pharmacy." 

We went to Wendy's and I got a grilled chicken wrap, while Spencer got a chicken sandwich and we got some nuggets for Reina. 

"Can I have a bite?" I asked. 

"you have your own food." Spencer replied. 

"I know but I want some of yours, plus your driving, you shouldn't be holding food in your hand anyways." 


I took a bite of Spencer's food and we drove to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription injections for the IVF. 

Once we got home, Reina was very excited to see us and the food of course. 

"Serenity, I'm so sorry we didn't bring food for you," I said. 

"It's fine, I'm about to have dinner with Derek, goodnight guys." Serenity said. 

"Goodnight." Spencer and I said in unison. 

Serenity left and Reina sat at the kitchen table with us, eating her chicken nuggets.

"These chicken nuggets are really good, I think these might be my favorite food," Reina said. 

"Well, we'll definitely get them more often then," I said. 

It was times like these this that I cherished the most, times with my husband and daughter. I love them so much and I can't wait to add a new addition to our family. 


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