Cold case

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Nya's POV

"Can we just bring the rest of the team into this?" Spencer said.

"Babe, we are supposed to be on vacation, the team already has plenty of cases."

"I know, but I'm just saying the more eyes on this case, the better."

"Let's just figure out the facts first and then we can present it to the rest of the team," I replied.

"I can hear you guys bickering from the balcony." Serenity said as she walked back inside.

"Sorry, Spencer and I were just thinking about whether we should consult our team or not."

"Oh, ok."  serenity replied.

Spencer and I looked at her, waiting for her to say something else.

"What? That's between the two of y'all, I just want my daughter's killer found." Serenity said.

"Fair enough," I said while Spencer came to sit next to me as we looked through the case file.

"What is it like working together? being married and all? How do you two make it work?"

"It's amazing, working with my husband all the time," I say looking at Spencer with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, we have the same schedule, we rarely have differences of opinion on things. The only time we've argued is when she lied to me about being an undercover CIA assassin and the time she wouldn't tell me about her ex who ended up kidnapping her while she was pregnant." Spencer said as he got up to get me a cup of coffee.

"What? You were an assassin and got kidnapped by your ex?" Serenity asked.

Yeah, It's a long story, I'll explain it someday." I said while Spencer gave me my cup of coffee and sat next to me again.

"Wow, you two have been through a lot together."

"You have no idea," I said as I went to use the bathroom.

Spencer's POV

"I worked with my ex-husband, my daughter's father, but we were having so many problems and he left me a year before my daughter's death. He never even came to her funeral."

"Do you think your ex-husband had anything to do with your daughter's death?" I asked.

"What? NO, Why would you even think that?"  Serenity said.

"It would make sense since he would have a motive, some people hurt their children to get back at their child's mother or father," I replied.

"He loved his daughter." Serenity said defensively.

"If he loved her, he would have come to her funeral," I replied.

Serenity scoffed and walked out the front door.

"Spencer, where's Serenity?" Nya asked me as she came out of the bathroom.

Serenity's POV

I can't believe he said that. How dare he accuse my ex-husband of killing his own daughter? I don't even want to think that it could have been him. He loved his daughter. He loved his daughter. He wouldn't have done that.

As I was walking to my car in the driveway, I saw another car pull up. The driver of the car came out and he was fairly handsome. He was really handsome.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Derek Morgan, FBI, Who are you?"

"Serenity Miller, Nanny," I responded.

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