Wedding plans

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Nya's POV

I know JJ is Spencer's best friend and Derek is mine but they are really nosey. It annoys me some times honestly.

"What do you mean you guys haven't had sex yet?" JJ asked me.

"I mean that we didn't have sex yet, I wanted to wait until after we get married and Spencer respected my decision." I replied.

"You telling me you were abstinent this whole time?"  JJ asked again.


"I don't know how you do it." JJ said.

"It's very very hard especially when you live with someone and I love Spencer but my celibacy is really important to me, and he respects that." I said.

"Wow, it's like every day I learn more about you." Derek says.

"Shut up." I said while laughing. Derek and JJ laughed with me.

"Guys, we're ready." Hotch says from upstairs.

Derek, JJ and I go upstairs to the conference room, where everyone else is waiting for us.
I sit next to Spencer and Derek while Penelope uses the remote to show us the pics of the dead bodies.

"So were 6 women were put into freezers all across the state of Massachusetts and-

My phone rings and interrupts Penelope.

" I'm so so sorry, I have to take this, it's our wedding coordinator." I said.

"Hello" I said while putting the phone on speaker so i could make myself a cup of coffee

"Hey, Nya, I'm sorry to interrupt you but I just wanted to know what type of foods you and Spencer want to serve at the wedding?"

"Did you really just call me to ask about food?" I asked.

"Yes, food is an essential part of a wedding reception."

"Ok, Um we'll do steak, chicken and salmon. Everyone loves those and they can just choose whichever one they like when they RSVP." I said.

"Ok, oh also have you started looking for your dress?"

I was doing that look. That "I definitely didn't do that shit yet" look.

"No, I did not." I responded.

"I'm guessing Spencer didn't start looking for his clothes either."

"Nope." I said.

"Nya, you and Spencer need to get this stuff going, you're wedding is in a few weeks."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right, we'll get it on it as soon as we can, thank you for the call." I said then handing up the phone.

Spencer walks up to me and asks what happened.

"Nothing really, she just wanted to know about the food and she was telling me how we had to get started on finding clothes and we still have to pick out bridesmaids and groomsmen, but I mean the only friends we really have are right there so why don't we go ask them?" I said.

"Sure." Spencer said.

We walked back into the room when everyone was packing up.

"Guys we have something we would like to ask all of you, would you all do the honor of being our bridesmaids-"

"And groomsmen." Spencer added.

"Well of course." JJ said.

" I'll Second that answer." Derek said.

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