Chapter 4

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A/N okay I'm writing this chapter to twenty one pilots bc I'm feeling it and I'm so sorry i wrote the last chapter like 2 weeks ago and i thought i published it but it never went up??? Anyway enjoy the chapter!

About two weeks after the noise complaint incident with Mr. Fuentes, or Vic as he preferred, I strolled into the hotels large reception room. The room was buzzing with chatter from people both young and old. It was our yearly talent show. It was a way to give the employees a break from the hard work they did on a daily basis. Although many off them still had to assist with the dinner and whatnot, they still got a chance to sit and eat, and even perform if thats what they wanted. The show also provided a different type of entertainment for all the guests. There were six seats to each of the round tables. My seat was at one of the tables near the stage, since I was the owner and manager of the hotel. At my table were a few of the employees who were close to my age. Although I still had to be presentable and respectful at this event, it was a chance for me to have fun and relax too. Instead of my usual suit, I wore slim fitted navy dress pants, and a tight, white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. My hair had fallen back into its natural state, although I kept pushing it off my face in order to keep myself looking presentable. My glasses remained on my face, since I would need them in order to read out the entertainment names. For now, the DJ was playing music and many people danced along. I smiled and took a sip of the rum and coke that I held in my hand. Suddenly I saw Vic standing with a few of the older guests. He was laughing alongside them, his grinning from ear to ear. He was wearing black skinny jeans, as always, and a long sleeved black button up. I had only talked with Vic a few times outside of the noise complaint incident, he had always been wearing black skinny jeans, and a snapback. Even when I wasn't at work, snapbacks weren't really my thing. Growing up in Michigan, it had always been cool enough to wear a toque or a beanie, so I stuck to those. Today his signature snapback was missing, and his hair fell to his shoulders in natural curls. He caught my eye and sent me a casual wave along with a wink. I rolled my eyes, and lifted my drink in his direction before smiling to myself. Work had been so stressful lately, and I was glad that was already starting to loosen up. After all, it was only 6:30PM, the night had only just begun. This event had been known to go into the early hours of morning. Almost all the guests showed up, and even the employees that hadn't been working that day came too. It was a fun time for everyone. Suddenly a hand came down lightly on my shoulder, scaring me a bit. I turned to see Vic standing beside me, a beer in hand.

"Ay, Specs! No suit and tie today huh?" he laughed.

"Not tonight." I smiled.

"Fair enough," he said, leaning back against the wall. The way he stood reminded me of some wallflower hanging outside the of the crowd at a high school party. It made me wonder how old he was.

"Did you do all this?" he asked, tilting his beer towards the mass of people.

"I organized it," I said, looking at one of the bulletins that lay on the table closest to us. The front page read:

The Golden Rose Hotel


The Fifth Annual 'Gold Rose'Talent Show

Dinner will be served as the acts perform

The meal will be followed by an dessert buffet and music

~Open Bar~All Ages Welcome~

"I bought the decorations and things like that." I said. "I also hired a caterer so that the chefs could come too." I explained.

"That's crazy, Mr. Quinn."

"Mr. Quinn?" I questioned.

"I was just trying it out." He shrugged. "But really Specs, this is insane. How old are you, like 25?"

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