Chapter 18

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I feel like hotel is starting to drag on a bit and i really want to get to the climax of the story so this is about to be one sizeable time jump rip also large paragraphs of italics is like a flashback sort out y'all can figure it out I'm sure but theres kinda gonna be a lot of flashback type thingies bc I'm fast forwarding three months so like the flashbacks are basically what happened in that time frame ANYWAY ENJOY

 *3 months later*

My relationship with Vic had been going great. He had even said those three special words.

"Fuck off, asshole." Vic groaned as I pulled the blankets off of him.

Pippa and Thor were doing great too. Pippa had grown a lot, while Thor was still pretty small. Of course Vic and I had gotten in a few arguments, but that was normal for a relationship. Sometime's they were little arguments about stupid things, like who had done the dishes last, and sometimes they were more intense.

"Why do you want to do this so bad?" I groaned.

"Jesus, christ. Why don't you get it?"

"Because it doesn't make any sense to me!"

Vic and I had been fighting about how he wanted to help paying for more things, and start supporting himself more.

"Listen, Kellin." he said, his voice laced with anger. I'd never heard him say my name like that. He hardly ever used my real name anyway. He preferred using Specs, and only called me Kellin if he was upset, or if he said it by accident. I didn't even wear my glasses that much, outside of work in my office, but he continued calling me Specs.

"I'm not some fucking child, okay!" he said loudly. "I know I may seem like some deranged little boy who cries because of some bullshit nightmares but I can take care of myself. You need to accept that I'm an adult and can't just fucking rely on you to support me like I'm some baby who can't do anything for themselves." He shouted.

"Well why can't accept that I want to support you!" I said, the strength of my voice mirroring his.

"Why do you even want to support me to much? Fuck, Kellin. I can do things on my own." I have a feeling that I might get some noise complaints tomorrow morning.

"I want to support you because I love you, Vic." I practically screamed. "You're my boyfriend and I should be able to support you without with getting mad at me."

"Well, I love you too but that doesn't mean I have to do everything for you!" He screamed.

I was about to scream something back, but I paused.

"Did we just-" I began saying. 

"Yeah." he breathed walking towards me. Our attitudes had changed in a split second, and I was glad for that. I hated fighting with Vic.

I wrapped my arms around him as he hung his arms over my shoulders. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I'm sorry too." He mumbled into my neck.

I pulled away from him slightly, looking into his eyes.

"I really do love you, Vic." I said honestly.

"I love you too, Kellin." he said softly.

I leaned forward and kissed him, pulling him closer. Our innocent kiss turned into a heated make out session, which led to steamy blow jobs on the couch.

Because Vic had voiced his opinions on supporting him so much, we had come to an agreement. I wouldn't make him pay for rent (since I didn't even have to pay for it) or food, but he would start doing some work around the hotel. Wether it be working the front desk with Cory, or helping me out in my office, he just wanted to do something to carry his own weight. Although things with been going well with Vic, despite his ever constant nightmares and asthma attacks, things had been weird with my dad. He kept trying to set up dinner with Vic and I, and then continued to cancel last minute. All his last minute time changes had me fed up, and I kept venting my anger to Vic.

"When I was younger, he'd always give me shit for not doing things his way, or what he wanted me to do, and now he starts fucking up and I can't say shit about it. It's complete bullshit." I ranted.

Although my dad had cancelled our dinner numerous times, he had rescheduled for tonight, and there was no way I was letting him cancel.  Vic and I were sitting in the restaurant waiting for him to show up. He was about 30 minutes late, and I had already gone through two glasses of wine. Vic, on the other hand, was sticking to water in case he had to drive home.

"Fuck it," I muttered. "Let's just pay for my drinks and leave. I knew he wasn't gonna show up." As soon as I said it, my dad walked through the doors of the restaurant. As soon, as he saw us, he walked over, greeting Vic before sitting down.

Before saying another word, he waved over our waitress, ordered a glass of brandy and promptly drank it.

I stared at him, my eyes wide with a bewildered look on my face. I imagined that Vic's face had a similar expression to mine.

"So, um, Dad, uh, why did you keep rescheduling?" I asked.

"Stutter-" he began to scold me. He stopped mid sentence and sighed, placing his empty cup down on the table gentle. He tilted his head up, looking me straight in the eye.

"I'm dying, Kellin."

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH BET YOU ALL WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT but what do you think of what kellins dad has said and their first " i love you's" tell me what you guys think in the comments :) theres gonna be a lot of stuff happening in the next few chapters and maybe a new fic up this week ? be prepared lol

please comment and vote -em

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