Chapter 8

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After I got out of the car I locked the doors and walked inside, not even bothering to check if Vic was with me. I walked through the lobby quickly, with my head facing downwards. I wasn't in the mood to have to greet guests. I made a beeline towards the stairs, knowing that there would probably be more people around in the elevator. After hiking up to the 20th floor, I was slightly sweaty and out of breath.  I hurriedly unlocked my door and kicked my shoes off. I left the door unlocked incase Vic didn't bring his key with him. I stormed up the stairs to my room and quickly took off my shirt and dress pants. They were making me feel confined. I walked into the washroom and turned on the tap as I looked into the mirror. My hair was messy and my eyes were beginning to water. Don't fucking cry Kellin. I needed to stop being so childish. Too late. I splashed water on my face and I was sure I had managed to soak my hair and the counter. I sat down in the chair that Vic and I had left in here when we cut his hair. I couldn't believe that my dad was staying for six months. I didn't think that I'd be able to handle his condescending stares and harsh attitude for six whole months. Even though I was no longer a confused teenager, my dad's intense vibes still shook me up. On top of my dad's extended stay, I still had Vic staying with me. I had no clue how I'd be able to handle everything. What if I got in a fight with him? Would he still stay at the hotel? Although I hadn't known Vic long, he had helped me out a lot, and I was really starting to think of him as a good friend. Since I was always so busy with work, I normally didn't have much time to see friends, but Vic coming into my life seemed to change that. I was still confused as to why Vic was staying at the hotel for so long. If he was going to be gone for so long why not just live in an apartment or something? Not that I was complaining though, I enjoyed having him as a 'roommate'. He was attractive, had solid music taste and made the bed warmer at night. Even though I was having positive thoughts about Vic, the stress of my fathers sudden prominent presence in my life stressed me out, and a tear slipped out of my eye. 

"Fuck," I muttered hastily as clumsily splashed cold water on my face.

Suddenly a small movement caught my eye, and I peered through my hands and wet hair and saw standing in the doorway.

"Can I come in?" Vic asked timidly. His shy tone was a huge difference from the laid-back, confident voice that he usual used. He sounded worried, scared even.

I nodded and tried my best to discretely wipe my eyes. 

"You okay, Kellin?" I swear my heart stopped beating. He called you Kellin. Holy shit. I glanced up at him through the wet strands of hair that drifted in front of my eyes. His face held an expression of worry, and his brow was deeply furrowed. His deep brown eyes glistened, and he looked like he was about to cry. That makes two of us.

"Yeah." I said. my voice cracking. I didn't understand why Vic was upset though.

"Good." he said quietly, as I rested my head back in my hands. I felt the urge to cry again, but I really didn't want to in front of Vic.

I sniffled and ran my hand through my hair, and I heard Vic sigh. Suddenly I felt Vic's hands on my bare shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I asked, as he pulled me from the chair.

"Giving you some time to get your mind of things." He mumbled. He lead me out of the bathroom and to the bed, where he pulled the blankets up to my waist.  The way he was treating me made it seem as if he were my boyfriend or something. He's your fake boyfriend. My wet hair dripped onto my back, and I visibly shivered. For some reason the AC seemed to be going crazy, and I was freezing. Maybe the fact that I was exhausted contributed to the coldness.

"Hold on," Vic said. I heard some shuffling and I looked up to see Vic's bare chest for a moment before he quickly slipped into bed behind me. He had changed out of the 'fancy' clothes that he had borrowed from me, and not bothered to change into anything else. He snuggled up behind me, and the rules I had mentally made for myself about being too close to him while in the same bed were completely shattered. I tensed up as he slid his arm under me and pulled himself closer. I felt his bare skin on mine as I let out a shallow breath.

"Why did you seem upset earlier?" I asked, focusing on the wall in front of me.

"Because you were upset, I don't like seeing other people upset." he paused. "And I thought you were gonna ask questions about why I'm staying so long."


"Oh." I voiced my thoughts. "Why? If you don't mind telling me."

"I get upset talking about it." he said quietly." Oh no.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want, I mean-" I rambled, as I tried to sit up.

"Relax," Vic let out a sad laugh and he pulled me back against him.

"It's okay." He said.

"Back at home, a lot of things happened. Bad things. My parents booked my stay here so I could get away from it." he explained. Vague explanation. His explanation left me to ponder what he meant by bad things.

My head lay on his arm, while his other hand rested on my hip. His fingers traced patterns into my skin, but his touch wasn't at all sexual. It was comforting. I closed my eyes and got used to the sounds of his deep breathing. I began to drift into a peaceful sleep, but before I did, I could've sworn I felt someone kiss the top of my head.

A/N i feel like this is a short chapter and its kind of a filler that gives a little bit more background info about both vic and kellin and plus i wanted to update tonight bc so many ppl have been asking for more and honestly that makes me really happy :) plus I'm going to my friends cottage for almost a week so i won't be able to update then but il try to update as soon as possible when i get home (wednesdy or thursday maybe???) - em

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