Chapter 16

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"Matty mother fucking Mullins!" Vic laughed as they engaged in a hug.

"It's been to long, bro." Matty said.

"We saw each other like an hour ago, Matty." 

"Wait, so you two know each other?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Vic said excitedly. "Matty's like, my best friend."

"Matty's my best friend." I said, my voice laced with confusion.

"Wait, wait, wait."Matty said, silencing both Vic and I. "You mean to tell me, that the esteemed Kellin Quinn is dating the notorious Vic Fuentes?"

I nodded my head as Vic spoke.

"I'm not notorious." Vic frowned to Matty, his eyes filling with an emotion I couldn't quite figure out.

"I can't believe it!" Matty exclaimed, brushing off Vic expression. "My best friends are dating!" What  small fucking world. First Vic's parents, then Matty. Is their anyone else that we both have a connection to?

He dramatically jumped back onto the couch before turning to us with a wicked smile.

"So, have you two fucked?" 

"No!" I exclaimed at the same time Vic said, "Shut up Matty."

After about a half an hour of hanging out with them, I decided to head up to bed. I had work the next morning, unlike others. We had spent our time catching up with Matty, and it turns out that Vic hadn't seen him for a long time either. Vic had met Matty when we were teenagers, and had hung out a lot, unlike me, who had met Matty in our first year of school, but barely got to see him outside of class as we got older.

"I'll be up in a minute, Specs." Vic smiled at me as I stood up from the couch, Matty chuckling at Vic's nickname for me.

"Okay, night Matty." I said as I made my way to the stairs.

"Night bud." he called.

When I got upstairs, I could still hear Vic and Matty talking loudly from downstairs, but I knew it would get quiet once Vic came up. As I took off my jeans and changed my shirt, I could here parts about their conversation. Something about a song almost being done. After a few minutes I heard them say goodnight to each other, and I smiled knowing that Vic would be up soon. My head lay on my pillow as I heard Vic shifting around, probably changing into something for bed. Suddenly I felt him slid into the bed behind me, his arms wrapping around me. I turned to face him, kissing his cheek before snuggling into him. I felt Vic place a kiss on my forehead, and I relaxed into him. We hadn't had our relationship for a long time, but it felt real, solid and strong.

"Goodnight, Specs." he whispered to me. I could faintly hear the sounds of Matty watching TV downstairs.

Everything seemed right. Things had calmed down with my father, I had two pets and a cute boyfriend and I had been reunited with my best friend.

"Goodnight Vic."


I woke up to a cool breeze blowing on the side of my face. It was still dark in the room, and I could no longer hear the sounds of the TV, but something else instead. The bed beside me felt cold and empty, and the alarm clock on the night table read 3:36AM. I felt the breeze again, I saw that the door to my roof garden was open. I groggily pushed the blanket off me and stumbled out of bed, slowly making my way to the door. As I got closer, the sounds got louder, and I immediately recognized Vic's voice. My hand ran over my face as I stepped out into the cool night air, my feet uncomfortably stepping on the stones that littered the ground. 

"Vic?" I whispered, trying to find him in the dark.

I shivered as I walked towards the sounds of his ragged breaths and muffled cries. A pair of boxers wasn't the best clothing option for a early morning endeavour. I soon found him sitting on one of the fold out chairs, his knees pulled to his chest. I hurried over to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting down beside him. I didn't get too close though.

"Another nightmare." He stuttered. "I-I IT woke me up. And -and I couldn't breathe, and I don't know where my inhaler is- and I d-didnt want to w-wake you. S-so I came out here." he choked out, tears streaming down his face.

"Shh, shh. It's okay, your okay." I tried my best to comfort him. I wasn't used to helping people like this, but seeing Vic in this state was heartbreaking.

"Deep breaths, c'mon. In, out. In, out."

Vic shook his his head frantically. "I can't Kellin. I can't." The terror in his voice made my heart want to shatter into a million pieces.

"Yes, Vic. You can." My voice cracking as I said his name. Seeing Vic like this practically had me in tears.  I grabbed his hands in mine, and brought one to my chest.

"Do it with me." I instructed. I repeated the words 'in' and 'out' repeatedly with the rising and falling of my chest, hoping that it would help him. Eventually his breathing steadied to a somewhat normal rate, and he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. His breathing was normal but he was still crying.

"Your okay," I whispered again, shifting us into a more comfortable position. I held him as he cried into me, my hands tracing patterns onto his back in an attempt to calm him down. After what seemed like ages, I felt him fall asleep against me. My body shivered again. Even with Vic's warmth pressed against me, I was still freezing in just boxers. Meanwhile, he was wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve tshirt, and was probably much warmer than I was. Knowing that if I stayed outside much longer Id probably get sick, I decided to get back inside. I carefully shifted my arms so that I was holding Vic in a bridal style type way.

"One, two, three." I muttered before lifting him. I walked quickly back to the door and hurried to the bed, placing him down before he slipped out of my arms. I returned to the door, closing it and locking it before walking back to the bed. I got in, and realized that  Vic had woken up. I pulled the blankets over us, snuggling up to Vic since I was still freezing.

"Thank you, Kellin." He whispered, using my real name again.

Instead of answering, I placed a light kiss on his lips, before pulling him closer.

yay for two updates in one day!1#$!!!1!!! my username has changed from canadiancal to ripiercetheveil going from 5sos af to ptv af ANYWAYS hope you all enjoyed the chapter and just a heads up in the next few up coming chapters theres gonna be some really important things and maybe some smut ?? but il put a smut warning at the beginning of each chapter and when it happens just in case any of you guys aren't into that type of thing :)

please comment and vote :)


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