Father and Son 🎭

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During the days that followed, Shinki stayed away from everything and everyone. He only kept the routine of sharing breakfast with his adoptive father. After that he would go to the library or to his room.

He from afar watched his beloved Boruto train with Mitsuki, but he did not approach them at any time. He definitely no longer felt worthy of pretending to him, nor of talking to Mitsuki.

On the third day he entered, as usual, the room where his father was waiting for him. He increasingly resembled more dead in life.

Shinki let himself go, he was an expert in controlling his emotions, that's why it seemed that nothing happened. But those who knew him knew how to realize that something was wrong with him.

The previous evening he told Shikadai that he should take care of the political and administrative affairs of the kingdom, since he was the one with royal blood.

Then he walked away without giving him any kind of explanation.
Shikadai talked with his uncle the king and with his father about it. Gaara authorized him to do that but he would have to work together with Shinki.

"I would love to know what's wrong with my cousin? Isn't his attitude normal, do you know something about it, uncle?
"No, nothing. But I'll talk to him.

Now, father and son were in the living room having breakfast. Gaara was trying to remember what exactly he had said to his son, for him to be so hurt now. Shinki looked at the floor in silence, while he ate his breakfast. Gaara took a deep breath:
"Shinki, look at me son, who did this one.

These last two days you have been acting strange. Shinki looked the other way and stopped eating. You even stopped training Boruto.

"I asked Mitsuki to do it, father. "Why? "He was the one who was training him from the beginning. He's already a real sorcerer, I thought it was a good idea."
"You haven't even seen him these last few days Shinki.

"I assumed that he would be tired and that he should rest. Besides, he has an important mission to fulfill. Gaara looked at him, still unable to understand.

That was not the Shinki that he knew, his son would never have moved away from the one who captivated his attention to the point of feeling attracted, sentimentally speaking, as Boruto did.
Shinki was even willing to take Boruto away from Mitsuki out of jealousy, when the blonde assured him that the blue-haired man was like a brother to him.

He remembered the sparkle in Shinki's eyes every time he talked about Boruto, so now he just walks away. Has no sense. Upon seeing it carefully, he could see that his son was broken and he was to blame.

"Shinki tell me, do you love Boruto? He looked at him in amazement. Tell me the truth son.
"What importance does that have, father?
"If I decide that Boruto and Mitsuki should get married,  you... Shinki's expression changed, he breathed raggedly, while his gaze became more somber, possessive, he nailed his nails on the armrests of the chair and clenched his teeth.

"And why...would you do that...father? Shinki returned to being the one he once was, but for a few moments at least.
"What would you win?
"Bring back my son, and that's more than enough for me.

I want the other Shinki, the one you used to be... three days ago. "Father... you... you... why do you tell me that when you know perfectly well that you are not interested in me?

"Son, I...
"I'm making it very clear... Your Majesty... Excuse me... I... I don't want to disappoint you...
"I don't remember anything that happened and the way I left you I...I...I don't want to remember it. It's evident that I'm a monster and...and...I hurt the one I was meant to protect... I'm so sorry...

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