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Stop. Stay here. Don't come any closer. Enough already, please!

Boruto woke up shaken and bathed in sweat.
Again that strange dream where he was stalked by a stranger who wanted to hurt him.

Throughout his life he was in danger, that was not news to him. And yet those kinds of dreams affected him a lot.

He's 16 years old already and he did not have a fixed and safe place, so he was forced to wander everywhere in search of what would give him peace and security.

Of course he had never found it, at least until now. He breathed gasps of air in a desperate way to calm down.

Those nonsensical dreams plagued him often, but he was used to dealing with them by now.

The sun announced the birth of the new day and the beginning of his morning torture.
Sighing deeply he got up from what was a heap of straw. He had to leave immediately if he wanted to continue living.

The sounds of the hoofs of the horses resounded everywhere followed by the various voices of the passers-by.

He was in a small village passing through, he was heading to the kingdom of fire where he had heard that there were the best sorcerers in the place.
Maybe he can have a chance and be accepted as one.

Being faster than sight he made a bun and an apple, then he jumped to the rooftops to get away from the people and taste those foods.

His life was a real hell but it was what he had, nothing would be achieved by complaining about it. The old man who used to take care of him had passed away three years ago and since then he had been forced to wander the streets and wander through the villages and the various kingdoms.

When he was ready, he got up and after putting on the black cape he left the place.
He knew that if he hurried he would reach the realm of fire before nightfall.

The path was the same as all the others, with multiple dangers lurking everywhere. Thus, he reached a section of the road where the kingdom could be seen in the distance.

He happily jumped to the ground just before the arrival of a carriage that was driving important people because of the luxury that said carriage had.

The horses got scared and stood on two legs. Boruto dodged them but that sudden movement caused one of the wheels to get stuck in the mud.

Moments later, a man who at first glance looked threatening got out of the carriage. The fury made him pounce on Boruto holding his arm tightly and drag him to the place of the facts.

-"Look what you caused you damn demon. How will you pay it now?
-"Let go of me! - the blonde struggled. It was an accident!

He grabbed him by both arms and started to drag him into the woods while he cursed at him, but suddenly one of the doors of the luxurious vehicle opened and a woman's voice resounded firmly causing the coachman to stop and break out in a sweat.

"Put it down and begin fixing the wheel or we'll be there by nightfall.
-B-but my lady this bastard...
Bring it to me and do as I told you.
Y-Yes my lady.

The coachman dragged Boruto to the carriage and practically threw him inside like a doll. Then he closed the door.

Outside you could hear the noises it made when changing the carriage wheel. But Boruto felt a sweet aroma inside. The floor was red velvet like the seats.

Moving his eyes around the interior of that vehicle, he could notice the luxury he had until he saw her. A young woman who seemed to be the same age as him.

She was dressed in scarlet red, her black hair contrasting with her porcelain white skin. Her black gaze seemed to want to pierce him. In truth she was intimidating.

She was wearing red velvet gloves too. She had in her hand a red and white fan that remained closed, but with which she pointed at him like a sharp sword when he wanted to get up to sit in one of those seats that seemed very comfortable.

"Don't even think of it stranger. Her voice was really hard and cold like her gaze.
Stay there, I want to see you. "As if he was an object, she studied it and seemed to like what she saw. Boruto felt like anything but a person and that angered him.

When he wanted to sit up again, he felt a powerful invisible force pressing down on him, forcing him to remain on the ground. She smiled mysteriously as the carriage started up again.

Where does it take me? He asks subtly concerned.
The only one asking questions is me. What's your name?
"You have an interesting name. I'm Sarada Uchiha." She said proudly but Boruto was still worried about his fate since he was in the hands of an unknown woman who was taking him to who knows where. Did you hear about my family?

"You're really weird boy.
"Where you take me?
"You'll find out when we get there. Boruto felt an intense anguish so he tried to get out of the carriage but to his amazement his body didn't respond to him. That scared him.

"What...what did you do to me?
"I trapped you in a powerful Genjutsu from which you will not be able to escape. I will release you as soon as we reach our destination.

Seeing the young man's intense despair, she smirked.
She held him by his jaw with her fan as she moved closer to him and whispered in a sensual voice.
"I found you so you belong to me completely...Boruto.

The blonde breathed raggedly.
She moved away from his person again, returning to her comfortable position while looking at him like a predator about to pounce on him.

"You are very attractive, maybe I will keep you exclusively for myself.

Boruto looked away feeling how the tears threatened to moisten his face due to the desperation he felt.

He had never met someone before with such immense power and it truly scared him not to know his own destination.
She was cruel, that could be seen with the naked eye.

But he should make one of his maximum strength in order to escape from her hellish control. But it was totally impossible for him. Soon they began to hear the noises of passers-by and the kingdom itself.

"Where we are?
"In the kingdom of fire where else?
"What? Really?

Boruto couldn't believe that he had been taken to the place where he was headed after all. She looked the other way making a gesture of contempt.

The carriage headed for the Uchiha fortress where it entered the interior of its walls. It just stopped and he was able to regain control of his own body.

Some men approached him and held him down, making it impossible for him to escape.
"Don't...let me go...I didn't do anything...
"Take him to the guest room and lock him up. Then clean him up for me."

Sarada ordered and it was enough for Boruto to be led against his will into that gloomy fortress.

He had come to the realm of fire just not as he had imagined.
He was in the custody of a powerful young woman whose soul had been infected by cruelty. And for the moment he was unable to escape.

Sarada entered the house with her usual arrogance and haughtiness.
His servants gathered to welcome him. Three months ago he had left his fortress. It felt pretty good to be turned around.

But her lust took over her when she thought of Boruto, that sensual stranger she met on the road. But she would think about him more carefully.
She now must inform the king about her return.

She had completed her mission and now she had to report to him. She went to her office to write a report taking advantage of the fact that Boruto was being bathed and disinfected.
When she finished, she send one of his servants to deliver the report to the king urgently.

After concluding with her obligation, she went to the guest room since she wanted to continue with her new discovery.

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