Naruto's Prison 🎭

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The room was dark, the windows remained closed. The fireplace was lit and the fire crackled, giving its warmth to the entire room. The two-seater bed was located in the center of the place, the crystal chandelier hung from the wall illuminating the entire room.

The four pillars located at each end of the room, supported the orange silk fabrics that covered the bed. Outside it was a cold white night, the coldest of the year.

The snow every site of the kingdom of fire. The sounds of the palace did not reach that place away from everyone and everything. Sasuke came out of the shower and dressed by the fire.

His look reflected a great sadness that since that happened he could never take her away from his soul. That fateful day where everything changed, the day her blonde loved one was locked up in a peculiar prison from which she could never get out.

Doomed and tormented since then. How many times had he tried to save him? He had already lost count. But he could never do it. "Why the hell was he so weak? Not even Gaara, the king, could water him down."

But he would not give up, as long as he was alive he would not stop trying to give his beloved Naruto his freedom. When he finished dressing, the door rang.

It was Gaara, Sasuke ushered him in, between them there were no formalities since they were years old. "What brings you here Gaara?

"He found them and brought them to the palace. It was the king's suddenness that Sasuke stared at in amazement.
"Are you serious?

Sasuke hurried to the bedside, pulling back the veil to expose Naruto. He was very pale, wearing comfortable orange night clothes, lying motionless. He looked at the ceiling, breathing but his eyes showed desperation.

Sasuke gently cupped his cheeks and turned his head so that the blonde could look at him since it was impossible for him to move on his own.

Once again his eyes met and the brunette's eyes moistened. This caressed the golden hair of his so beloved blond of him. When he wanted to speak his voice broke once more.

"Mitsuki returned to the palace my love, Gaara found him and...gave him the royal pardon. Gaara grabbed Naruto's hand and turned his head so he could look into his eyes.

Although the king did not cry, his pain was inside and it was as intense as Sasuke's. He would always feel guilty for what was happening to his loyal friend. Also your son appeared, because we are sure that he is your son. He is just like you my friend. He is also a jinchuriki like you.

Naruto's breathing began to quicken. He is the jinchuriki of Nibi you know? Gaara felt his friend squeeze his hand slightly as he gasped.

"Don't worry friend, when we are sure of his identity I will bring him here so you can see him. Then he released him and left, promising to return with news.

When they were alone, Sasuke returned to hold the cheeks of his loved one turning his head gently to be able to look into his eyes. The dark-haired man was lying on top of the blonde, caressing his golden hair, looking at him with immense love.
He never left him, since he left that state he had stayed by his side taking care of him.

"Perhaps that young man is your biological son, my love. Naruto began to cry as he looked at Sasuke, desperately trying to talk to him, communicate with him but it was impossible. this confinement threatened to drive him mad. He had so many things to say but it was impossible for him.

"Sasuke, I want to see Mitsuki and my biological son right now. I want to know how he is, what his name is. Please... my love, for God's sake... realize... son... I need my children now..."

But Sasuke couldn't interpret it and couldn't hear it. The brunette dried his tears to kiss him tenderly on the lips. "My love...forgive me for being so weak...I'm sorry...but I will free you...I have sworn to you in the past and I swear to you now. Please don't cry anymore, think of your little children.

They would not like to see you suffer my life. Unable to contain himself anymore, Sasuke buried his face in Naruto's neck and wept bitterly.

The blond closed his eyes and tried to move his arms without any success. " love...don't be sorry wasn't your fault...and you're not never were...Sasuke...I love you." The dark-haired man was sitting up a little to look at his beloved in the eyes and say: "I love you Naruto, I love you too...I know you want to comfort love...I couldn't live without you...

Sasuke kissed Naruto on the mouth with intense passion, hugging him. The lights went out as the brunette covered himself with the covers while remaining on top of Naruto's body. Outside the snow was beginning to fall more heavily.

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