I'm Sorry 🎭

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The moment had come, Boruto knew it perfectly. The situation became untenable with each passing second. Stay hidden from everyone and everything, in turn having to survive living on nothing in particular.

That kind of life was his own reality, that's how he had been raised and was used to it. He could do it, he was aware of it. Also killing the king of the wind kingdom was his goal. Kill him and all the royal sorcerers.
But he couldn't keep dragging his dad, Sasuke and his brother Mitsuki.

They were not used to that kind of life nor did they deserve to live like that. Then he thought of Shinki and knew that he really was selfish, since he didn't deserve to live like this either being the prince of the kingdom of fire.

But his selfishness led him to drag him with him to death. Boruto closed his eyes tightly as he trembled. It's just that he couldn't bear the thought of having to separate from Shinki. He wanted to be by his side even if it meant the doom of the prince himself.

"I'm a demon after all, right?" I whisper, staring at nothing with a grim expression. He had been able to share beautiful moments with his father, he was able to meet him and enjoy a little, even if only. He sighed heavily, knowing that none would forgive him for what he was about to do. But it was for the good of all three.

He took advantage of the fact that they were distracted to attack them with the incredible power of Shukaku to immobilize them, while with the power of Nibi he opened the portal that would lead them home to his father, his brother and Sasuke. He tied them with the sand preventing any of them from moving.

"Son! Don't do it!" Naruto said desperately.
Dad, Mitsuki, Sasuke...it's for your  own good. I know they will hate me for this and I accept it. But I can't let them die with me.
You must live.

You allow Shinki to stay by your side brother! Mitsuki roared. "I love you brother, I know it's unfair and I should let you go back to the kingdom of fire but I won't. After all I'm just a demon who was sentenced to death right? When the portal opened  Boruto threw them towards home. But Naruto looked at his son and seriously said:

"You're wrong if you think this will be the last time we'll see each other, son. Here, the one who doesn't know anything is you. I'll look for you and return to you before you can finish off the king of the wind.

"Just  forget  me dad and live your life with the person you love and your other son.
Mitsuki?  Shinki said.
Excuse me to my father please... friend.
Boruto! Shinki! Mitsuki yelled before disappearing into the portal with Naruto and Sasuke.

Seconds later everything was done. The portal closed, and both Shukaku and Matatabi went back to sleep inside the blonde, until the next time he needs them both.
Boruto cried as hard as he could. Dad, Mitsuki, I'm sorry. then I look at Shinki.

It was the right thing right?
"Of course my angel, of course. The black-haired hugged him gently and the blond cried until he was powerless in his arms.

"I love you Shinki, I love you so much that... that...
I know my life, I know. I love you too.
Forgive me my love
There is no other place you want to be right now. So don't ask for forgiveness.

They both entered the cabin as the night was born and along with it the intense cold. Inside they built a fire and prepared dinner together.

The next day they would leave early for the fortress of the royal sorcerers. The plan was to destroy it with all of them inside. This would weaken the power of the king. But the voice of King Gaara resounded in Boruto's mind at this moment. Shinki spoke to him since touching Boruto he could hear his father  too. Both young men knew that Naruto, Sasuke and Mitsuki had arrived but they were depressed and furious.

Naruto began to plan the next step which was to return to his son as soon as possible. Boruto sighed sadly since his father couldn't understand him. I will return to you father, do not despair.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty. Boruto intervened. I will do my best to protect your son. But from now on Shinki and I need to focus on what we should do. So you wouldn't be able to communicate with us anymore, but he could use Shukaku's  power that pendant I gave him. I immediately cut off communication.

Shinki knew it was for the best, since they wouldn't be able to focus on what they had to do the other way.

Shinki knew that Boruto needed love and comfort.
“ For this reason, after dinner I loves him body and soul, giving myself to him with every fiber of his being.

"Calm down Boruto, I'm with you besides Shukaku and Nibi. None of us will let them kill you or plan to die.
Will we succeed and go home?

That's right, you must also marry me.
It will be an honor for me to be your husband.  Both merged into one and only being, while it started to rain outside.

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