The Proposal 🎭

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Shinki was in his usual place in the garden looking at nothing, his mind was totally blank.

You need to rest a bit since his body was demanding it.
He had been overexerting himself quite a bit during that last time, due to the proximity of the exams.

He wanted to be a great sorcerer to protect his adoptive father, the king, who had done so much for his person. No one had ever cared that way for someone like him.

His chakra allows him to use the iron sand however he prefers. This made him someone very dangerous since he had the best defense of him, causing intense envy in most of his companions.

Nothing was easy for him, despite being the prince, he had his drawbacks. But he also had the friendship of his cousin who was always by his side.

Both made a good team when it came to working and combining forces. The two of them together with Mitsuki, a promising future sorcerer, were the best of the team.

They knew that they aroused the envy of all their companions, and not only because they were excellent chakra manipulators, but because both Shinki and Mitsuki had been welcomed, one by the king and the other by his right arm, also counting on the friendship of the king's nephew .

But they ignored them all and although there were those who tried to separate them, they never succeeded due to the great trust that exists between them.

The breeze that afternoon brought back to the prince some memories of that time when he really used to be happy. Being a prince was not such a heavy burden for him, nor did he feel so alone.

He sighed very sadly, he really missed them a lot. Even he didn't understand how it was possible for someone like Kawaki and Sarada to have been able to separate them, when they were supposed to be inseparable.

The truth was that since his estrangement with his cousin and with Mitsuki he was never the same again. And he only trusted two people, his father and Sasuke.

Even more so after what happened to Naruto Uzumaki, his distrust of him intensified even more.

Someone interrupted him announcing that his father needed him urgently. Taking a deep breath he went to see what he wanted.

Entering the meeting room he saw Sarada Uchiha next to Itachi. He didn't like that at all, he had always disliked her. But the expression of his father, the king, caused a slight shiver down his spine.

Sarada was looking at him with a somber expression, a fact that caused her revulsion. As it always used to happen.
Gaara watched him enter with some concern.
"Son, come closer. So did Shinki
"The Uchiha lord made a singular marriage proposal. He intends to marry his daughter to you.

The prince's expression was so grim that Itachi himself was embarrassed. But it was Sarada who intervened:
"We all know that the one who really benefits from this marriage is your Shinki," she intervened haughtily.
"After all you will have my entire clan as an ally.

"Father, what have you answered?" asked the prince, openly ignoring the Uchiha.
"That it is not me who must be convinced but you.

Shinki smiled pleased, he just looked at Sarada. A dark gaze that she not only held but sneered at.
"In that case my answer is no since you don't have what it takes to be a princess.

That disfigured her with fury, since she had never imagined that she could refuse a request from her and her father.

"Excuse me? Hear well? Are you refusing?
Of course, I'm not interested Sarada
"Are you crazy
Rather, I think that it is you who is delusional when assuming that I could accept you.

Itachi, annoyed, intervened speaking directly to the king. He reminded him of the many enemies he had and how weak he would be if the entire Uchiha clan turned their backs on him.

But Gaara just said:
"What happened to you, Itachi? How low have you fallen, you used to have honor. Now you are a subject of your daughter's whims who does not leave you well.
"Look who's talking, the one who can't make a decision without first consulting his son. Who certainly doesn't carry royal blood, and who isn't even accepted by your relatives.

"I appreciate your point of view Itachi, now I know that we can never become relatives." Gaara replied.

Sarada exploded with fury but her father knew how to contain her. When they were about to leave, the king said:
"Be careful Itachi, both you and your daughter. It is not going to be that they plan also that it will not be well seen by me or by my son.

Without saying anything the Uchiha left the room and both father and son breathed a sigh of relief. Shinki let his father know the rejection he felt for Sarada and his clan. He was worried about what the Uchiha might do, even more so Itachi.

"Not all Uchiha think like Itachi and his daughter.
"And not all Uchiha are like Sasuke, dad.
"Calm down Shinki, I won't let them ruin us. I'm not that stupid or that weak.
"That was not what I meant, father. forgiveness.
"I know what you mean son, don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to me and we can save Naruto.

Shinki winced as he was still hurt by the fate of the best wizard in the kingdom and best friend of his father and his.

He suddenly remembered Mitsuki, Naruto's disciple, and fury took over his being. But he knew how to disguise his father very well.

"Shinki, you're very tense lately. Go tour the city, you will relax.
"No father, I'm fine.

"Spending too much time locked in the castle, you should go out more often. It is also the duty of every king to know the true needs of his people.

"I know father, I know.
"In that case get ready and leave the castle. It is an order.
"But father...
"Won't you obey me?
"Yes father.
"Choose the day and tour the city a bit. It'll be good for you.

After bowing to his father, the prince left not very convinced of doing what he had been ordered.

When Gaara was left alone, Sasuke appeared from the shadows and said:
"You did well, your son is extremely worried about looking good in front of you, he needs to clear his head a bit.

"He worries me you know? He has no life of his own after what happened with Naruto. Then look at it. Neither do you, Sasuke.
"In fact you both worry me since Naruto would not have wanted them to be like this.

The pain was reflected in Sasuke's face when he heard the name of his beloved blonde. He needed it so much that there were times when he despaired.

"Naruto will be free again Sasuke, don't hesitate about it.
"The problem is that he is suffering unspeakable torture in the meantime.

Gaara feared that his friend's mind would not last and when he was released from his prison, it would already be too late. But he knew how to keep his fears to himself. As king he must be as iron as the sand that Shinki handled

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