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Mitsuki was ready to tear Shinki to pieces, after reading the letter that Boruto left him.  The pain of his brother could be perceived in that letter, where he told his kingdom.  That nothing held him back in that
‘’ Without Shinki’s love, I feel like it’s not worth staying in the royal palace.  I am sorry brother.’’
That fragment of the letter still hurt and infuriated him at the same time.  Shikadai had him by both arms trying to prevent him from killing his cousin, the prince.
-Calm down Mitsuki !  You will achieve nothing by putting yourself like this !  - Shikadai told him.
– Let me go Shikadai !  Just let me go !  Shinki, you fucking trash !  I will destroy you with my bare hands !
Shinki looked at his friend with infinite sadness, since he loved Boruto madly and that letter that he left him only fanned the flame of love.
But he was still very hurt, he kept feeling that Boruto threw him away like he was trash, when he knew that he was badly hurt.  That hurt intensely.

For this reason, he did not go to save him when Mitsuki managed to learn to control the space-time portals.  And precisely for that very reason he broke his engagement with him.  But it doesn't mean that he doesn't love him, quite the contrary, he loved him madly.  That will never change for him.
-What do you have to say for yourself damn Shinki?!  - Naruto roared appearing suddenly followed by Sasuke - Because of you my son Boruto left this kingdom!
When he wanted to attack him, Sasuke held him tight avoiding him.  -Calm down love, don't forget who Shinki is.
"I don't give a damn who he is!"  I just want to make him pay for Boruto!  You hurt him Shinki! 
‘’Stop it.  Naruto.  Mitsuki – the voice of King Gaara resounded in the place, becoming present the next second.– Leave it now
But none of the aforementioned came to their senses, they kept struggling to be able to tear Shinki to pieces, who limited himself to looking at both of them in total silence, without moving.
His pain could only be felt by his own father Gaara and his cousin Shikadai.  Shinki needed Boruto like the others, but his pain at being despised by that blonde was much more intense.
Royal wizards Naruto and Mitsuki !  I will not repeat the order again !  - Gaara looked menacing with Itachi and Shikamaru ready to intervene.
Naruto and Mitsuki reluctantly gave up their attempt to kill Shinki.  The prince just looked at his father.
Thanks, Dad.
« You can’t blame my son for Boruto’s decision » Gaara started to say but Naruto interrupted him.

You’re not being serious, are you, Gaara ?  My son left because of yours !  If he even left me a letter where he tells me everything !
Naruto, you’re very confused – Gaara answered him patiently – In such a state you can’t think objectively.

Damn you Shinki, I never should have accepted that you are my brother’s partner – Mitsuki snapped – Just as you betrayed me, you betrayed him.

You don’t understand anything Mitsuki – Shinki told him hurt – Nothing at all. 

-I understand perfectly damn, you tore him to pieces and forced his escape.
Shinki didn’t say anything, limiting himself to looking at his father, who sighed heavily in distress.
« Boruto made his decision » Gaara began by saying « Nobody did it or forced him into anything.  Well he could have stayed here.
No Gaara, my son is heartbroken by god.  And he left choosing solitude.  It’s not fair, damn it – the blond felt like he was dying
– I’m going to look for him.
-Oh really ?  And where will you go ?  Did he tell you where he planned to go ?  Gaara asked.  No but…
Then you can’t leave the royal palace heading for nothing, totally blind.  I’m sorry Naruto but I can’t let you – Gaara finished.
The blonde’s frustration was notorious, which is why Sasuke hugged him tenderly to calm him down.

The same goes for you Mitsuki, you are not allowed to leave the royal palace – Gaara continued, anticipating the fact that the blue-haired boy was beginning to consider the idea of going to look for Boruto.

So everyone went by his side.  Shikadai left with Mitsuki, she didn’t want to leave him alone after all he is his friend.
Shinki took the opportunity to go to his room, where he took the ring that Boruto had left him from the desk drawer.

He had made both rings himself, as he wanted them to be special like the wedding he had dreamed of having with that blonde beauty.

That gave him the ability to track it by showing up wherever the other ring was.  He placed it on his right ring finger making the decision.
His father had told him that he should marry Boruto as soon as he found him, because Gaara knew him too well to know that he would go looking for him wherever the blonde was.
You really are an idiot, you know that I love you madly, you are aware that you are the love of my life and you knew how excited I was about our wedding. But you had to break our engagement, you didn’t even go to save me Shinki.  Even Kawaki went, but you were conspicuous by your absence.
I only know that without your love I have nothing to do in the kingdom of fire, since I fulfilled my objective that brought me here.  Save my dad and meet him.
I spent time with him and I really enjoyed it.  I loved meeting my brother Mitsuki, he is a good person.  But what I liked the most was meeting you Shinki, loving you was the best thing that happened to me.
However, your goodbye is something I can’t bear, that’s why I’m leaving the kingdom.  I decided to keep an old promise I made to someone.
You are an idiot you know ?  The worst idiot of all.  That’s why I’m giving you back the ring you gave me when you pretended to love me and proposed a false engagement.  Bye

Shinki read that letter again for the third time, feeling how fury boiled inside him.  He put the letter back on his desk and put on a black cloak.

He would go looking for Boruto to bring him, dragging if necessary, back to the realm of fire where he would chain him if possible to his bed so that he would not escape again.

Boruto, you should have convinced me that he was wrong instead of running away from everyone and me.

He activated his chakra and began to trace Boruto’s chakra through the ring that he lls linked the two of them.
It didn’t take long for him to find it.  He was enveloped in a dark and dangerous chakra.  Boruto was in danger.
Shinki’s heart began to beat like a drum, due to the possibility that he might lose it.  Suddenly nothing mattered, nothing but Boruto.

The black sand completely enveloped him, opening a portal through which he disappeared from his room and from the kingdom of fire.

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