Golden Seduction🎭

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Mitsuki allowed Boruto to rest easy, however he had horrendous nightmares for several nights, in which the blue-haired man hugged him with brotherly instinct, making him calm down even for a few moments.

During the days both had to go out to earn their sustenance and contribute something for everyone. That was the requirement requested and demanded by the leader of the place.

At first they stole skillfully but after three days they saw that the security in the streets had risen thanks to the fact that the king sent his sorcerers to watch.

This caused several beggars and thieves to fall into the power of justice and be locked up in the kingdom's prison for several years.

For this reason Mitsuki and Boruto had to change their strategy to earn money. So the blonde remembered how the old man who had raised him taught him a peculiar technique that allowed him to transform into a girl.

Although at first he found this technique somewhat useless, he later discovered how wrong he was. This was because he was able to learn to dance sensually as a girl, thus earning legitimate money.

Of course that old man was a bit perverted, however this helped him perfect his technique and be very sexy.

Coming back to the present, that would come in handy right now. She just needed sexy women's clothing. When I mentioned it to Mitsuki, he thought twice as he didn't like the idea. However, they both knew they had no other choice.

With his power of chakra manipulation, the blonde could make musical instruments made of chakra appear that, floating in the air, played sensual and beautiful melodies.

That morning Boruto used this technique to transform into a girl, he hadn't used it for a long time. A beautiful girl with long golden hair and sky-colored eyes. Narrow waist and wide hips, large breasts.

She wore a semi-transparent fuchsia skirt, a plunging neckline top in the same color, and a large fuchsia and gold pashmina.

She walked barefoot with incredible sensuality. Mitsuki was hypnotized by such an image that Boruto had.
She smiled shyly as she told him blushing in a sensual voice:
"Please Mitsuki... don't look at me like that... I'm embarrassed...

The blue-haired man blushed like a tomato and looked away, while he breathed raggedly. indeed his friend looked very desirable and charming as a woman.

Boruto, being a woman, smiled and hugged him tenderly while he asked Mitsuki to protect him since she felt very vulnerable being like this.

The same thing always happened to him, the perverted old man knew it and for that reason he never took it off. Mitsuki handed him his black cloak, so that he wraps himself in it until he reaches the public square, and the show begins.

While Boruto danced, Mitsuki collected the money that people would voluntarily give him. In half an hour the experiment began.

The elegance with which Boruto moved captivated everyone present, the melody wrapped his feminine body displaying sensuality.

Coins rained down on Mitsuki as he passed by with his little bag made of wool. Boruto knew how to move and use even his golden hair that looked like waterfalls with their own light.

Kawaki was passing by and when he saw the young dancer he was stunned. He was always bisexual, and just as he fell in love with Sarada Uchiha's slave, who had escaped his control and he decided to enchant him to keep him, now he felt attracted to that blonde beauty who danced with scanty clothes in front of multiple looks.

He wanted her, he wanted her in his bed as urgently as possible, that beauty was beginning to drive him crazy.
But seeing Mitsuki collecting money, he knew that they were together.

The jealousy infuriated him and he opted to use her Royal Sorcerer's influence to make him arrest that trash and take advantage of her to get her into his bed.
He smiled cruelly as he approached them like the predator that he was.
When she finished her musical number the applause and cheers were multiple. Kawaki ordered the other sorcerers to stop them both.

This caused a stir, as Mitsuki conjured a wind element technique to confuse them so she could escape with Boruto as a girl.

The blond also looked at Kawaki unable to help feeling disgust, as he remembered the way he looked at him when he was enslaved by Sarada.

He now seemed to want to rape him seeing him as a girl, on top of that he had the misfortune of being semi-naked the two times she had seen him.

Mitsuki grabbed his right wrist and dragged him away from the crowd, as she knew his distraction would drop at any moment.

They ran through the streets, the alleys, across the rooftops escaping from Kawaki and his men. The various chakra techniques that both Kawaki and Mitsuki employed were beginning to reach the ears of the inhabitants of the royal castle.

As always, the blue-haired man proved to be much more skilled, making a fool of the Royal Sorcerer who had graduated from the academy with honors.

This inflamed Kawaki to the point of not caring about the damage he was doing to the same town with his men after causing so much destruction, in order to get his hands on Mitsuki.

But both friends managed to escape their pursuers unscathed.
In a hidden passage from the gazes, Boruto faded the technique as he couldn't keep it up for long.
Then he changed his clothes, returning to being himself, for his greater peace of mind.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but Mitsuki couldn't help but smile as he said:
"I really like you as a girl you know?
But as a boy, you are my brother so to speak. I will protect you by being both.

"Thank you need you...Kawaki...
It disgusts you right? Disgust and repulsion.
Calm down. Mitsuki hugged him tenderly. Like I said, I will always protect you.

Boruto asked him to teach him what he knows and help him improve his chakra techniques. The blue-haired man happily accepted, since he wanted to help him become stronger.

When they made sure that they had lost Kawaki and his sorcerers, they were able to buy food and take it to the hall of the damned to share with everyone.

Of course they were welcomed, as was anyone who brought food.
After leaving a little for the others, they both went to the room that belonged to them and after locking themselves in there they prepared to taste the food they bought.

Boruto threw himself on the bed with a long sigh.
"Aaah I'm dead." Boruto exclaimed.
Using that technique and the melody plus the instruments consumes a lot of chakra.
Relax Boruto and eat. Then rest, you deserve it.

Half an hour later the blonde slept peacefully in bed, it was the first time I saw him so calm. A smile spread across his face.

"Surely you are a relative of his, since you are very similar to my master.
I'm going to take care of you Boruto, I won't let anyone touch you or let anyone hurt you... brother.

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