In the Kingdom of the Wind🎭

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They had reached the enemy kingdom in less than five minutes and all thanks to Boruto's power. As the blonde knew that his head had a price, he decided to use the technique of his teacher and adoptive father Jiraiya of transforming into a woman.

Now that both bijuu were awake and strong he could stay in that guise as long as he wanted. For this reason, as soon as he set foot in that hateful kingdom, Boruto had transformed into the beautiful and sensual Himawari.

As beautiful as sensual, she managed to make Mitsuki forget that it was her brother. But Shinki would be the one who would always stay by her side. Boruto had put on black pants, a fuchsia blouse, a black and fuchsia cape with a hood.

His well-pronounced breasts captivated the gazes of others. Naruto shed tears of regret, since seeing that transformation was like he was looking at his daughter. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you were supposed to be born, my beautiful girl," she whispered to herself.

Now you would be alive. He felt guilty for the death of his little girl, but Sasuke hugged him tightly. Boruto stroked his father's golden hair while she smiled at him.

"Dad." He said using a woman's voice. I have not decided to use this appearance to make you suffer. You are not to blame for anything that happened to us. No problem Naruto hugged him tenderly. Then he calmed down. They all knew that they had to change something in their physical aspects.

Shinki above all, for being the prince of the kingdom of fire. The ninja of the black sand painted his face with red paint, cut his hair even shorter and put on a black robe with which he wrapped himself.

Mitsuki also cut her hair a little more and with a technique of his , he  paled his skin even more. He looked like a white snake.

Change of clothes, putting on a black pants and a shirt sleeves both, on top of it he put on a long light blue and blue shirt whose belt had both shades. So the three boys were totally changed, also those of that kingdom did not take them into account more than Boruto.

As for Naruto and Sasuke, they continued to wear the same clothes. Naruto a black pants and an orange and black jacket. Sasuke black pants, gray long-sleeved harlot and a black cape. So they were able to enter the first town they found without being identified by anyone.

All the inhabitants of the place acted normally, nor deigned to see them. So they were able to book a lodging and then sit in one of the places in town to have lunch.

By the way they would inquire more about the king and his royal sorcerers. They soon learned that the local people were very unhappy with the king and his allies. They didn't call him tyrannical and unjust.

He ruled only for himself and a certain group of people, who kept him in power. He didn't care about the needs of the people, he only thought about himself and the way to continue staying in power.

That gave a great advantage to the newly arrived group. Himawari went to the public square of the town and after taking off his cape, he began to dance. Despite the clothes she was wearing, he managed to captivate them all. With his chakra he made musical instruments appear that played a sweet and sensual melody that enthralled the senses.

They all floated in the air. A hat made of chakra, which also floated in the air, was passed in front of each of those present who were leaving coins without stopping smiling. When Naruto and the others saw it they were amazed.

Naruto especially couldn't take his eyes off his little one, he was very talented to continue living adrift on the streets exposing himself like that. He would not allow them to harm his little one, it was his son by God’s sake.

Mitsuki couldn't help but feel attracted to the female version of his brother. He wished the real Himawari was still alive. He sighed sadly knowing that he loved someone who did not exist.

As for Shinki, he was attracted to Boruto in whatever form he took. He loved him as a man and adored him as a woman, to the point of wanting to have a child with him.

"I love you Boruto, I want you so much that by your side I became someone insatiable. I would like not only to marry you, but to start a family. When the dance finished, the applause filled the place and the hat made of chakra was crammed with coins.

That was until the hands of Naruto, who placed him inside a bag and thus the hat along with the instruments vanished into thin air.

Boruto was heading towards his family, when he was stopped by a man who, standing in front of him, said:
"Where do you think you're going, young lady?

"Who are you? It does not matter. Then I hold him in his delicate arms with bestial strength. You will come with me whether you like it or not. Boruto detected the lust in that human-shaped beast, he knew instantly what his dark desires were. rape him When he wanted to resist he held him tighter and began to drag him with him, but he was not a frail maiden.

"You'll be left wanting you damn filthy beast. He mused as he used his wind power and flung several meters further away from his person. This attracted everyone's gaze.

Shinki approached him looking at the fallen man in amazement. The black and the blond saw the badge of a royal sorcerer that the one was wearing attacked him.

They frowned. When Boruto saw his father, Sasuke and Mitsuki wanted to approach them, he made a desperate sign for them not to do so.

They should not be exposed. Boruto breathed raggedly, he knew that danger and death would be close to those who help him, after all he was a demon who only brought death and pain to those who loved him so much and who loved him. As he watched the drunken and lecherous royal sorcerer rise to his feet, he whispered to Shinki:

"Shinki, now you will see why I am the worst of demons. I am sorry my love, I am sorry for dragging you with me to this kind of life unworthy for someone like you.

In response, Shinki grabbed his left hand tightly. "I love you Boruto, I will never leave you or allow you to be touched. The royal sorcerer sat up in a rage as he ranted that he would have her arrested for attacking a realm sorcerer. His friends, the other sorcerers approached Boruto and Shinki dangerously.

Naruto wanted to attack them, but Sasuke held her husband firmly as he shook his head. Mitsuki slipped through the crowd, he wouldn't let his brother and his friend face seven royal sorcerers alone.
Boruto was carried away by fury and smiled evilly as he squeezed his fiancé's hand. He then he said:

"Ready for some fun... love? He looked at his beloved with feminine forms more than amazed. Welcome to my world. then he stands on the stage where a few minutes ago he had danced with masterful sensuality.

So the royal sorcerers turned into drunks and rapists? This caught the attention of everyone present who looked at him in amazement and some even smiled. This sorcerer intended to drag me into the shadows and rape me.
What should I do? Is that normal?

Damn liar. Right, because you royal sorcerers are experts at telling lies, right? This caused what Boruto was looking for, to anger the people who began to call the sorcerers liars and thieves.

As Naruto, Sasuke, Mitsuki and Shinki prepared themselves in the crowd to attack the enemies without being seen.

After a few moments, Boruto used a technique of the wind element to move the enemies away from him. He immediately slipped away from them through the crowd, jumping from ceiling to ceiling.

The others attacked the sorcerers, exterminating them without leaving a trace. They then walked away from the place, and went after Boruto. So chaos broke out in the public square, the townspeople finished killing the fallen sorcerers.

They really hated those people and everything related to the king. Not far from there Boruto was facing that sorcerer who had reached him. But he was exhausted and in front of his enemy his feminine form vanished to return to his true aspect.

"Jinchuriki of the Ichibi and of the Nibi," murmured the royal sorcerer. "It was you, huh?" But he was pierced by a powerful sword of fire from behind. It was Naruto who whispered:

Congratulations damn, but you won't live to tell about it. The sword vanished the next instant and the sorcerer fell from the roof to the ground. Naruto approached his son and hugged him.

"I know perfectly well what it feels like to run away from being a jinchuriki and at the same time be harassed by crazy people. I will not leave you alone son
"Dad, please help me.
"We all will, all of us." Shinki said from beside him.

Let's go back to our shelter. Sasuke commented. All together So the five disappeared from the roof and the town. They knew they would have to hide for a few days.

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