Halloween and the mysterious encounter🎭

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Boruto decided not  to transform into a woman again in that kingdom since they would recognize her. It would be Boruto and that's it.

That night was Halloween and everyone was excited, even Boruto who was carried away by the joy of his father.
Naruto disguised himself as a werewolf  thus hiding his features with the mask made of paint and the entire costume.
Sasuke was the vampire.

They were both heart-stopping.
Mitsuki was a Frankenstein  with that makeup that hid her entire face. The monstrous being that the doctor brought to life.

Shinki was a zombie, so well characterized that not even Gaara, his own father, could recognize him.

And Boruto was an innocent young man with black hair, half human, half monster.

Half of his face was smooth and boyish while the other half had a rotten and monstrous look. With a bright and perfect makeup everything seemed real. Half of his hair was black but the other half was white. His left arm and hand had rotten aspects as well, but his right arm and hand were normal.

The same was true of the rest of his body and the way he looked. They were ready. They left and in a short time they arrived at the town that was dressed in a monstrous party.
Everyone wandered around laughing happily, no one paid attention to anyone certain science.

Everyone walked through the streets of the town laughing, dancing, drinking and talking with everyone without caring if they knew each other or not.
Boruto and Shinki joined Naruto and Sasuke to fully enjoy this party.

"For one night you must forget who you are son. Naruto told Boruto in his ear just for him.
Relax and just let yourself go, we know that these people support us and help us, due to the bad politics that the king of the wind makes.

I know dad, I know. then I look at him happily. I am only interested in sharing multiple experiences with you. then I look at Shinki. And with you too, my love.

Come my angel let's have fun. Shinki took the normal hand of his lover's and took him to the heart of the party. Naruto laughed happily as they walked away, when Sasuke hugged him from behind tenderly.

"My life, you need to make up for lost time, remember? How could I forget my love? then I turn to see him face to face hugging him intensely. I still haven't recovered from that. I know my life. You try too hard to hide too much in front of your children and the prince of fire.

That's why you should also relax. And I will make sure that happens. Both were lost in the dark without stopping to smile or letting go. Only Sasuke knew how to relax Naruto.

Mitsuki was wandering through the streets of the town packed with people in disguise. He was thus approached by a young woman disguised as a vampire.

A peculiar music was felt playing in the environment. She didn't stop smiling when she was in front of the blue-haired man. She grabbed it by his right hand and dragged it into the light to dance with hers.

Mitsuki felt happy, in spite of himself, since this stranger was not  so unknown due to the fact that she seemed strangely familiar to him.

They let themselves be carried away by the chords that hypnotized them. Their laughter was contagious.

"Do you want to drink something?
Only if you drink with me.
Perfect, come with me. She took two glasses, handing one to him as she said.

"Let's toast to whom we will bridle beautiful Frankenstein? Here's to you, mysterious lady. You're all a heartthrob, I like you, you know? They both drank and after leaving their glasses on one of the tables they moved away from the place to better see the decorations of the town.

They had percid  tastes and were surprised by things. Mitsuki was so intrigued by his mysterious companion that he felt  he could live an eternity without any inconvenience. They stopped in one of the sectors farthest from prying eyes. There they devoured each other with carnal kisses with great desperation. She clung to him with infinite desperation. Mitsuki pressed her against his body but whispered:

"Who are you?
Do you want to meet me so much?
Of course

They spent several hours discussing everything a bit, but she didn't reveal her identity to him until she finally took off her masks. Much to Mitsuki's surprise, she was Himawari. The truly.
I am Boruto's twin sister. And I wanted to come meet you Mitsuki. You are beautiful, I really had a great time.
Mitsuki looked at her without understanding anything that made her laugh even more.

"Hey promise me you'll protect my stubborn brother okay?
Boruto believes that life is only fight, death and pain. Show him the other side.
"Shinki will take care of that, there's a reason it's...
His partner?

You will always be someone important to my stubborn brother. Mitsuki caressed her tenderly as he loved her with every fiber of her being. Wasn't it just how she could fall in love with someone who didn't exist?

"Mitsuki I do exist, only that I died at birth. But I am not a product of your imagination. I came to see you today and to ask you to take care of my brother and father , so that they can return to the kingdom of fire safely. "I promise Himawari. You can count on me for that.

"Thanks Mitsuki. And don't be sad, we will meet again. You will see.
In front of his eyes she vanished, along with the melody and the people.

But she there he saw Jiraiya laughing happily fade away. "Take care of them Mitsuki and you will have an excellent reward." Her voice resounded like echoes in the place.
The real and living people there talked, ran and laughed without knowing anything. The lights were back to the hue they normally used to be.

Boruto and Shinki came out of one of the stores and seeing him approached them. The blue-haired man smiled happily when he saw them.
Naruto and Sasuke reached them within a few minutes.
"How are you doing?" Mitsuki asked smiling.

"Great, I love this party. Boruto replied happily.
They gave us a lot of sweets. Boruto laughed like a happy child, awakening the joyous laughter of others.
"It's time to go back to the hideout." Sasuke said. All together.
"We've had enough fun for today," Mitsuki said.
So the five left the town more than satisfied.

Naruto and Boruto laughed like happy children. Sasuke felt happy to see his blond lover in peace, this time he laughed sincerely.
Mitsuki just reconciled with his friend Shinki , since he accepted him as a brother-in-law.

"Boruto is my brother, Shinki… and you are my friend. I hope you don't betray us
Boruto is my life and you... are my best friend. They both smiled happily as they disappeared into the darkness along with the others.

From the entrance of the village Himawari and Jiraiya appeared again to watch them. They both laughed with pleasure and happiness.

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