Reunion 🎭

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Ever since Shinki had started training him, Boruto kept getting better and better. He could manipulate chakra more easily than before. Boruto had to recognize that Shinki was as good a teacher as his brother Mitsuki, both had the same intensity when it came to transmitting the wisdom they carried inside. And of course they were both extremely demanding.

Shinki used to leave him without a drop of chakra inside him. But the effort was beginning to pay off.
As for melee combat techniques, Shinki trained him using his black sand. That afternoon they were training hard in the back of the garden. In one of the several turns that the blonde was forced to do to escape the prince's attack, he saw it.

He was next to one of the windows that gave onto that private sector. Sitting in a chair looking out. Boruto's heart shot at a thousand beats per second. There was a brief moment when his eyes met.

"Father... so here you were." Boruto murmured under his breath and felt the intense longing to be able to go to him.
He hid while he communicated with the Nibi.

"Beautiful, do you hear me?
Strong and clear gallant.
Look at him he is..?
The jinchuriki of the Kyuubi indeed.
Bravo boy, you have found it.
What happens to him?
Give me a few seconds ok?

Hurry beautiful.
The prince is looking for us.
He is alright. 
He is closed in on himself. He was cursed.

"What? But how? The one who tried to destroy you, failing to do so, took revenge on him... your father.

That couldn't be true.
Boruto felt faint upon confirming his suspicions.
"B-But can you release it?
Could you wake up the Kyuubi?" "Yes, of course, but we must train together first.

Only then will you be able to extract all my chakra and focus it on your father. Let's get to work then. I trust you precious.

First you have to be honest with Shinki, don't you think? And with some others since they will soon detect my presence when the training begins. Boruto looked at his father in his eyes again, for a few moments and murmured:

Father, I will save you. just wait a little longer Dad?
So you're his son? Shinki appeared behind him upsetting him.

Boruto looked at him in surprise and the prince smiled. I had my suspicions but I needed to be sure, that's why I brought you to this sector of the garden.

Boruto looked at his father again as his eyes moistened. He felt so guilty, for what he was suffering from his father, that he couldn't take it anymore.

"Is he the one you are looking for Boruto?
"And can you break the curse that keeps him imprisoned?

"Is that why you wanted me to train you so desperately?
Shinki began to understand everything better. I look at that beautiful angel, as mysterious as powerful.

"Naruto Uzumaki is someone very important to all of us. For this reason, if you can do something for his freedom, we will gladly help you.

"He does not know of my existence but I always knew that he was my father. It was not possible to come before and it is not possible for me to stay here for a long time.

"What's wrong angel? Trust me please.
"Shinki I am not an angel but a demon and...a very feared one who was sentenced to death, for being considered very dangerous.

"No Boruto, you're not a demon. And I plan to help you in whatever way you need. I won't let them kill you my angel.

Do you want to see your father?" The emotion invaded Boruto to the point of looking towards the window again. He knew that he shouldn't get emotionally involved, because he would only be putting him in danger, but why not see him even if it was just for a few moments?

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