President dictator or princess who will you vote for

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I can not express to you enough what a terrible idea this is! I was born royalty have I have not taught my friends anything?! At least here they get to vote for who they want to live under and for this campaign they were deciding on a princess a president or a dictator. And guess who the princess was. That's right it was Riley. She was in a princessy pink princess dress hat shoes and all and riding a horse that she was calling a unicorn and even had a magic wand. That a vote for her was a vote for less studying and no meddling teachers which included her father. But the sad news is was that you don't vote for royalty its something you have to be born into or married into.

I bet you can guess who the dictator was. Yep Farkle that's right. He did want to run the world some day. And then there was Lucas. Maya was of course helping Riley run for being princess but being a princess is a lot more work than Riley understands that it is. Being a princess is not as fun as it sounds I want nothing to do with politics. Nothing ever goes well with them. After I all I should know best. How do you think I got to be with Shawn? Oh wait you know that part of the story. You know that I above everyone else would know the hard cruel truth it's not all fun and games and fancy dresses and pretty shoes. I knew at least 8 different languages by the time I turned 5. Except American English. But I guess I could try and show a little bit of support for my friend even though I don't agree at all with her choice go ahead Ri go live that dream life learn nothing from me and my life that's fine. I'm NOT bitter at all!

And of course that left Lucas to run for president. I'd vote for him. He's got my full support. And how did this come to be about you ask? Well, I'll show you. It was another "normal" day at school (outfit 46)  in Cory's class. It was 4 days before the election and we were learning about Democracy. Something I wish our family did but no my parents had to be royalty. And not very good at their jobs. Here the power lies with the people. A place where they vote for their ruler not just be born for ruling. Like a princess or a dictatorship like Farkle wanted both were bad choices. But this was one thing I could say Farkle and I knew a lot about. Not that he didn't not know a lot about everything except Belgium the year he was missing I forget. Someday Farkle would rule the world and I look forward to when he does so I can see what he does with it. After all it sounds like he was planning on cloning us he already had our hair samples.

But a dictator was still a person that people didn't vote for but they weren't born as royalty either. So, who can tell me another form of Government where the power doesn't lie with the people he asked us as Farkle and I both raised our hands. Farkle had a huge smile on his face and I frowned. Dictators love 'em! He was saying. Ok, but Farkle as a princess and my parents were the king and queen they ruled more like a dictatorship with an iron fish and I don't think they cared about our people because they sure didn't care about little old me. Which is another form of government. Then Farkle continued. They get to do whatever they want. He'd said. Yeah? So do the king and queen but their supposed to whatever is right for the people not just themselves unfortunately we see how that turned out also fortunately for me I have Hunter. The one good thing that came out of that camping trip. Then Lucas came in.

Sorry for being late sir my flight was delayed. He said handing him a slip of paper as Cory greeted him oh so extravagantly. You went back to Texas again this weekend? Riley asked him. I went back to go visit my friends. Awe he misses his old friends Riley said sweetly. Yep cowboys got the blues. Maya teased. But Lucas came prepared for their little dance they do. Maya started singing as he got out a harmonica. Maya turned back to him as her smile dropped and Lucas smirked back at her. I will never get to you will I? She asked him. No but I sure do appreciate the effort he told her. Farrah do you ever go back to London? No I shake my head and why would I? There's nothing for me there. I set my animals free my parents fired anyone that went against their wishes and its been 8 years since I was there. Why we came to America for a camping trip I'll never know. Would you if not just to show us what life was like for you? He asked me. IDK Lucas I shake my head with a frown maybe someday I know that should I go back at least I'd be there with my closest friends and family.

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