CH 1

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Bose's POV

Mika, Miles and I are in S.W.A.G as Ray is telling us story's about himself and saving the day but I turn around to see a empty red chair then quickly turn towards Ray but he eventually stops to look at the empty desk behind me.

Ray: Where's Chapa! She's been late for the pass two weeks!

The door opens as we turn to see Chapa exhausted and it looks like she got beaten up by someone then she sits in her chair.

I look at Ray who looks pissed.

Ray: Where have you been!?

She said nothing as he rolled his eyes and continues his story then it became lessons but the emergency alert came on and we all headed up to the Man's Nest.

In The Man's Nest

We arrived and see Schwoz.

Schwoz: There's a big robbery at Nacho Ball.

Mika: The closed one or the nice one?

Schwoz: The nice one.

We grab our gums, chew & blow to transform to kick some butts then I look at Chapa.

Bose: You ok?

She gave me a small smile.

Chapa: I'm fine.

Then we all went down the tube.

Chapa's POV

The fight in the nice Nacho Ball took all day but it was a success and now were back in the Man's Nest chilling but I had to leave.

Chapa: I'm gonna head home.

Ray: Alright. But if your late tommorow, no crime fighting for you for 2 weeks. Understand?

I nodded and left the Man's Nest while not looking at no one.

When I left the academy I just walk with my head down not looking up at all.

As I walk up to the front door fear took over me and force me to stand in place for 3 minutes until I shook it off and open the door as I entered the house I see my Father holding a wip & a stress ball.

Father: Shut the door.

I closed the door.

Father: Lock it.

I lock the door.

Father: Face me.

I slowly turn around and he walks close to me.

Father: Open your mouth.

I opened my mouth and he place the stress ball in so I don't make a sound but I had a good grip on it.

What comes next is for me to take off my shirt but I shake my head no and he grabs my neck to choke me so I nodded my head.

When he lets me go I slowly took it off and he starts hitting me with the wip 6 times but he drops it and I fall on the floor as I spit the ball out then my vision started going dark.

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