CH 20

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No one's POV

Chapa has been recovering for 4 weeks her wounds are now fully healed and ready to fight but for now she's relaxing with her boy.

Everyone one is in the Man's Nest watching a movie as Bose & Chapa cuddled together on a beanbag but she was feeling a bit sleepy so Chapa slowly closed her eyes for a little bit when the alert went off and woke her up.

Then Schwoz looks at the emergency on his tablet.

Schwoz: a group are in a wearhouse with a van that's holding a big bomb.

All: WHAT!!?

Ray: Let's chew and blow!

Mika: To disarme the bomb.

They all transform and AWOL quickly teleports the team in the wearhouse.

In The Wearhouse

When they team got there 5 men with masks were ready to start the timer.

Man#5: Sucks for you Danger Nerds.

Man#3: There's no way to stop it.

Man#4: Yeah! What are you gonna do about that.

They can tell that most of the men are complete idiots and won't shut there mouths.

Man#2: Shut up dammit!

Man#1: Kill them all!

They all brought out knives and Danger Force start fighting as punches & kicks were thrown while trying not to getting cut or stabbed until Volt saw there leader ran into a room so she finished off the man and followed there leader into a room.

Chapa's POV

It was very dark so I used my lightning to get some light when I felt something hit my back as I fell to the ground I soon felt a chain around my neck then punches were everywhere & I couldn't fight him at all because it's so dark.

Then I was face to face with the masked man.

Man#1: Let's see who's behind the mask.

As he reaches for my mask I had to think quickly so I bite his hand hard as I tasted his blood but he pull his hand away as I spit out the blood as much as I could.

Man#1: Oww! You little shit!

He tightened the chain around my neck and punch my face as I was gasping for air then he reached for it again and rips it off.

Man#1: Well well... If it isn't Chapa. My pathetic daughter.

He removed his mask to smile evily as I continued being choked by my own father.

Chapa: Why... Are y-you... Doing t-this... To m-me?

He leans towards my ear to whisper.

Father: Because I want to & it's fun to see you in pain.

He releases me from the chain as I gasp for air and cough at the same time then I felt something medal hit my head as I fell to the ground then my vision blurred & I black out.

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