CH 6

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Bose's POV

After a long day of taking down Minyak Ray, Miles and I are exhausted so we sit on the couch then turned the small TV on to watch Dog Judge as Mika & Chapa weren't in the Man's Nest especially when we got here.

Miles: I'll call Mika.

When he pull his phone out from his pocket the girls came up through the tube and when I saw Chapa I rush to her side to hug her and she returns the hug.

Ray: Where have you girls been!?

As Mika & Ray have a argument Chapa just kept hugging me not letting go at all and hides her face in me neck so I kept her close to me.

Bose: You doing ok, Chapa?

She shakes her head as I felt her tears on my neck.


When he yelled her name Chapa jump a bit. Is she scared of Ray?

Mika: Stop yelling at her.

Ray: Why should I? When ever there's a  emergency she's not there when we need her. She's useless!

Something snap inside of Chapa because she push me away as her hands were both filled with red lightning and shots Ray until he was on his knees but I notice that her eyes were red.

Bose: Chapa stop.

She didn't listen to me so I wrapped my arms around her and place a hand on her's.

Bose: Chapa... Please.

Chapa's POV

I was so mad at Ray that I shot a powerful lightning at him as my anger took over me and my vision went red as I felt arms around me then I saw a hand on mine.

Bose: Chapa... Please.

My vision started clearing up and I saw what I was doing to Ray so when I stop Bose is still holding me but I push away and started having a panic attack.

Mika: Breathe, Chapa. It's gonna be ok.

I can't stay any longer so I went to the tube and down.
I stop running to figure out where I should go as I thought of going home but Father would be waiting for me to beat me.

So I ran into the woods seeing lightning in the sky with a roar of thunder and felt rain drops.

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