CH 4

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Bose's POV

I'm laying down on my bed still processing that Chapa kiss my cheek as my feelings are at war.

As my feelings fight I try to sleep but I couldn't so I texted Miles hoping he could help me.

Bose: You up?

I waited for 3 minutes when he answer.

Miles: It's 12 AM, Buddy. What do you want.

Bose: I need to tell you something.

Miles: Ok fine. What is it?

Bose: I took Chapa out for dinner and walk her home then she kiss my cheek.

Miles: She did!?

Bose: Yes.

Miles: Will talk about this in the morning with Mika.

Bose: Okay. Good night.

Miles: Night.

I put my phone on the nightstand and sleep.

The Next Day☀️

I wake up and stretch then got out of bed to grab a outfit for the day and take a shower.

After my shower I got dressed and went downstairs to see a plate with pancakes, bacon & sausage on the table then I took a seat then eat but as I'm eating a text from Mika came.

Mika: Miles told me everything!

Bose: I'm sure he did.

Mika: Come to our place and will all talk there.

Bose: KK. See you soon.

Chapa's POV

I open my eyes as I'm on the living room floor feeling pain that I can't even move then I hear heavy footsteps coming towards me and saw him.

Chapa: Please... No more.

When he grab me by the shirt he drags me upstairs towards my room then throws me onto the floor and shuts the door as I crawl into the bathroom and open a cabinet.


I felt tears running down my cheeks trying to ignore the voice but it kept getting louder like I'm going insane so I grab the razor blade to make a few cuts on both arms and it felt so good.


As I feel my eyes getting heavy I clean up my bathroom and stumbled onto my bed then I went to sleep.

Bapa Book 1 (Danger Force FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now