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Mika's POV

When my door opened Miles & Bose came in.

Mika: Spill the tea, Bose!

Bose: Okay. Yesterday I took Chapa to eat dinner then I walk her and she just kiss my cheek.

My jaw was on the floor and so is Miles.

Miles: You have feelings for her. Don't you?

I saw his cheeks go red.

Bose: Maybe

Mika: OMG! That's so cute. Were gonna help you win Chapa's heart.

Miles: The univers says. You & Chapa are ment to be.

Bose: You think so?

Miles: I know so.

For the rest of the day we hang out and try figuring out away to help Bose to tell Chapa his feelings towards her.

Then I got a call from Ray.

Mika: Hello?

Ray: Meet at Hip Hop Purée!

He hung up the phone and I look at the boys.

Miles: What did he want?

Mika: He wants us at Hip Hop Purée.

Bose: Probably... Bad guys are there?

Miles: Maybe. Let's go.

Mika: I'll go get Chapa.

The boys saw it was raining kinda hard outside so they grab a jacket from my closet and went through the window but there's some lightning and thunder so I grab a jacket then went through the door but lucky mom & dad weren't home.

I ran all the way to her house & knock on the door Chapa's dad Smith answers it.

Smith: Hey, Mika. How are you?

Mika: Good sir. May I come in & talk to Chapa?

Smith: Ofcourse. Come in you must be cold.

I walk inside and he closed the door.

Smith: Would you like some tea to help you warm up a bit? I was in the middle of making some.

Mika: Yes please.

I followed him to the kitchen and sit down on a chair then after 2 minutes he gave me a cup and pours the tea in my cup then I blow on it and took a sip.

Smith: Better?

Mika: Much. Thank you.

Smith: Your welcome. Chapa is upstairs.

I nod my head and finished the tea then went upstairs towards her bedroom door then knock on it.

Mika: Chapa? It's Mika.

There was no answer so I open the door to see her on the floor and I rush to her side.

Mika: Chapa? Wake up.

Miles's POV

When Bose & I arrived at Hip Hop Purée I look at the window to see Minyak and Captain Man are fighting so we went under the stairs to chew and blow into AWOL & Brainstorm then walk through the door.

Capitan: Glad your here. Now help!

Brainstorm lifts up Minyak and throws him up through the roof which it'll give us some time to catch up with Ray.

Captain: Where are the girls?

Since no one was in the building we kept our conversation a bit quite just in case.

BS: Mika said she would get Chapa.

AWOL: But I think it's just gonna be us boys today.

Captain: Fine. But I'm having a talk with those two.

Then Minyak came back down and got up.

Minyak: You'll regret that!

He pulls out a weird weapon and starts firing at us but we dodged then used the tables for protection.

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