CH 23

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Miles's POV

After fighting Smith for many hours he's on the ground unconscious as the police came and Shoutout explains ever then I saw BrainStorm looking worried about his girlfriend.

AWOL: Don't worry. She's a strong girl and I sure that she'll get through it.

BS: You think so?

AWOL: I know so.

Then two police officers came and pick up Smith to put him in a straitjacket then he woke up and trys to get out but he couldn't.


They took him straight to jail.

I teleport the team back to the Man's Nest and we transform back into our normal clothes then Bose left probably going to the hospital to see Chapa then Ray starts walking.

Mika: Where are you going, Ray?

Ray: If she gets out of the hospital they might take her to the orphan house.

Miles: So your gonna adopt her. Aren't you?

He smiles and blush at the same time.

Mika: You be a good dad to her.

Ray: I will.

When Ray left I teleport myself & Mika back home to see dad on the couch sleeping so Mika writes a note saying were in our rooms as we quietly walk upstairs.

Bose's POV

I open the door to see her on the bed with a oxygen mask and a few wires so I grab a chair to sit next to Chapa then I place my hand on hers.

A doctor says Chapa is in a coma but they don't know when she'll wake up.

Bose: Hey, Chapa. I hope you can hear me. Just want to tell you that you father is in prison and they'll make sure he doesn't gets out to hurt you.

I feel a tear ran down my cheek.

Bose: I promise... I'll protect you from any harm and he ever gets out. I will make sure he won't lay a finger on you.

Then I heard a knock.

Doc: Times up, Sir.

Bose: Just another minute. Please?

The doctor nods his head and kept the door open for me.

Bose: I have to leave. But I'll come back to see you.

I kiss her forehead and got then put the chair back as I look at her my heart broke then I close the door and left the hospital to go home.

At Home

I went to my room and lay on my bed then saw a picture frame of me and Chapa on the beach where we had out first date.

When I put it back on the nightstand I stare at the roof for a while when I felt my eyes go heavy and I fall asleep as I wish Chapa was here with me.

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