CH 16🎃

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Miles's POV

The Halloween festival is today as we decorated the academy & the Man's Nest Ray came up through the tube then walks down the three steps.

Ray: What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?

Bose: A cowboy!

Mika: I'm gonna be a princess.

Miles: A zombie.

Chapa: A skeleton.

Then Schwoz came in with a cart of pumpkins and tools to carve.

Schwoz: I took all the guts out so we can carve them.

We all grab one then start carving and decorating them but Mika & I saw Bose & Chapa working next to eachother talking about what ever then we smiled to see that Chapa is happy.

The sun is setting and we light a candle and put them in our pumpkins they were looking scary.

Ray: Go home, get dressed & have fun.

So we all went home except Chapa to go dress up but I chose to be a zombie.

As I got dress and mom helps me with the makeup then once she was finished I went downstairs to see princess Mika waiting on the couch.

Miles: My sister is so beautiful.

Mika: Thanks you, Miles. Let's go.

We said bye to mom & dad then left the house as we walk towards the center of town where the festival was then saw Chapa & Bose in costumes.

Bose: Hey guys.

Miles: Sup buddy.

Mika: Ready to have some fun?!

Bose: YES!

Miles: Always.

Chapa: Yeah.. Sure.

Chapa looks around the area like she's looking for someone but I push that thought away as we enter we got big treat bags for candy and the festival has offically begun.

Chapa's POV

We walk around but I stayed with Bose as I could but I kept looking around to see if my father is here because when mom was around we come here every year but since she passed away I haven't came here since.

I lost sight of my friends and now I'm alone but I kept my guard up just in case then I spotted someone with messy black hair and I know that it's him so I move forward but felt a hand on my arm.

Father: There you are, child.

When I look up at him his eyes were filled with rage and I can still smell the alcohol in his breathe.

Father: Your coming home.

He dragged me so I bite his hand hard and he let me go and I ran with him behind me as I look around to find the others but I couldn't so when I try looking for my father he was stuck in a big crowd.

So I ran into a near by alleyway then hide behind a dumpster with my back against the brick wall and hugging my legs tight then buried my face in my knees while have a panic attack.

Mika's POV

The boys are having fun and so am I but I notice that Chapa isn't with us at all.

Mika: Where's Chapa?

Bose: Don't know.

Miles: Probably at the haunted house.

I decided to go look for her but after 10 minutes of searching I saw her running into a dark alleyway so I followed her then heard her breathing heavily and softly crying.

So I got down on my knees.

Mika: Chapa?

She looks up is fear but calms down when she saw me and hugs me then I hug her back.

Mika: What's wrong?

Chapa: He's here.

Mika: You stay here & I'll get the boys.

She nods her head and I went after Miles & Bose then I got to them and told them what's going on so they followed me to the alleyway where Chapa is still there and hugs Bose.

Then Miles looks at the crowd seeing that there distracted so he teleports us to my bedroom for the night.

The boys went to the bathroom to change while Chapa and I changed in my room then I grab a sleeping bag for Chapa as Bose is gonna sleep in Miles room then I turned off the light and fall asleep.

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