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Sorry mija anyways have a good time "studying." Y/n mom said mami we are just studying. " That's it said Y/n okay, mija. I will bring some snacks up in a minute.

Okay bye mami bye Ms. Y/l/n said Robin your walking up the stairs, you opened the door to your room and said," This is my room. "

Wow, hermosa, your room is nice said Robin. Why thank you, Robin Y/n said okay. Well, let's get to studying. Y/n said.

*skip time to the end of the studying*

Well thanks for helping me study said Robin oh no problem I'm glad to help you anytime Y/n said well I can walk with you home if you don't mind said Y/n yeah sure I don't mind Robin said.

Mom, I'm gonna go with Robin and walking walking to dinner, and I was him home. Y/n said okay be safe." You two, okay, bye mami, bye Ms Y/l/n.""

Well, we are here. Y/n said well bye hermosa cya tmrw he kissed me on cheek. I went red bye Robin, see you tmr.

I walked off in shocked I went back home, took a shower, and ate. I read a little bit and went to bed.

*time skip to the morning*

I was woke up by someone taking my book out of my hand I seen who it was it was Finney oh good morning Finney I said still tired oh hi Y/n sorry didn't mean to wake you up.

Oh, it is okay, but why are you in my room? I asked oh I came here early."" Your mom said you would be up, but you were asleep, so I didn't wake you." You actually looked quite peaceful when you were sleeping Finney said.

Well, thanks for the compliment. anyways, you can stay in here while I take my shower, or you can go in the living room. Oh, I can stay in here. Finney said okay I won't take long.""

Finney looked at Y/n drawings they were better than his he didn't know you drew, and you drew some rockets as well he was shocked.

Oh hey Finney, you said Finney jumped a little bc you scared him oh srry didn't mean to scare you. Oh no, it is fine, but I didn't know you drew Finney said.

Oh yeah, I have been drawing for a while now. anyways let's get going so we can get snacks for the sleepover.

Are you having a sleepover? Finney said, "Yep and Robin and Bruce,Gwen, and of course, you are coming, so let go."

So, um, do you draw Finney oh uh yeah, I mostly draw Rockets, said Finney. Oh, that's nice. I have drawn a couple of rocket ships. If you didn't see in the sketch book, said Y/n.

Oh yeah, those were really nice. Finney said ty Finney Y/n said oh look we are here Y/n said let's get some snacks."""

I saw Pinball Vance trying to beat my high score. I just stood there smiling. Finney asked what I was smiling about.

I told him that Vance was trying to beat my pinball high score when he lost. I just laughed, he heard me and turned around.

Finney whispered to me that I was screwed I just shrugged and turned back to Vance asking why am I laughing.

I said it is cute how you are trying to beat my high score. Y/n said Vance was shocked and said, "That is your high score."

Yep, anyways, have a good time trying to beat my high score. Y/n said wait doll face what with all the snacks Vance said.

Oh, I'm having a sleepover with my friends. wanna come?
Y/n said sure doll face, okay, let me go pay for this brb."

*after you pay*

Let's go to my house so I can get my stuff. Vance said okay we are almost there."" My house is not far said Vance.

We got there and Vance got his things and we went to Finney's house to get Gwen and Finney's clothes after that we went back to my house.

Hey Gwen, we are back. Y/n said hey Y/n and Finney, oh, and Vance Gwen said anyways we brought you your clothes."

Oh, thank you guys, Gwen said np anyways we got to wait for Bruce and Robin they are coming to say Gwen well, yeah, why not?"

A couple of minutes later, Bruce and Robin came.

Brucey,Arellano, you said while you hugged them. Everyone sat on the couch, someon... Y/n, who are you more like out of these four boys.

All the boys attention was on Y/n oh um well I'm violent and good at pinball like Vance and I'm also like Finney I like drawing rockets and I'm a nerd but I'm also like Bruce I like riding bikes and playing baseball but I'm also like Robin I'm good at fighting and mexican (btw srry if that sounded racist or offensive).

So I'm like, all of them, Y/n said, "Oh hey, let's watch a movie in my room. Come on, Y/n got up and ran to her room."

The snacks are all on my dresser. Y/n said Gwen and Y/n sat on the bed, and the four boys sat on the floor.

*skip time the movie is done*

Well, that was a good movie said Y/n. anyways what do we do now ? " Y/n, we can play seven minutes in heaven said Gwen.

The boys agreed Y/n said sure Gwen go first okay she spins the bottle it lands on Bruce well I get to know you better and get to see if you are a good friend for Y/n.

Good luck Bruce she is very judgy said Finney she is gonna be so hard on him said Y/n oh Finney wanna see my other drawings since you only seen a couple of them come let's go get my sketch book.

* Seven minutes passed*

Y/n it is your turn you spin it and it lands on Finney you grab Finney hand and go into your closet and you guys sit there for a little and then you make eye contact.

Finney leans in and kisses you. You kiss him back, you guys catch your breath and smile at each other, and you mess his hair up. Come on, our time is up.

You guys walk out, and Gwen says, "Did you and my brother kiss?" Maybe or maybe not, we will never know. Y/n said

*skip time, and you guys are going to bed*

I'm gonna go change into my pj's brb said Y/n
(Btw these yo pj's)

Okay I'm back I'm going to go to sleep but the other room has two beds so two of can share that me and Gwen are sharing and someone can sleep on couch and someone can sleep in here on the floor and Gwen already knows where everything is so ask her.

I will do the rest later

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