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War continued after Naruto slayed the dragon's. Naruto was not pleased to see the things retuned to how they were, He wanted things to continue peacefully witch never happened.

At least he was happy that he was not being forced to pick a side and fight for them, His father used the soul of the dragon's to make sacred gear witch he gave to human's to help them achieve there goal's.

Naruto just wanted peace for his family, He was very happy when Azazel pulled back his force. Now only Angels and Devils left.

The outcome of the war was not something he or anyone was expecting. Lucifer was slain by Michael, God died while sealing 666 (Trihexa). Naruto took there body for proper burial hidden from all three faction's.

Michael was not happy but understood Naruto's reason. He was happy that his brother will lie next to his father.

That was the end of war Michael took over the responsibility of the God. Devils appointed new heads after the war witch according to Naruto was best thing as new blood took the lead, witch was not focused on revenge.

Naruto had relationship with all three factions as he was respected by all, He provided them with suggestion, Drank with Azazel who had developed a new hobby for sacred gear, He also helped Michael to run system smoothly.

Things were changing everyone was learning to cope up with the loose of the battle, in mist of this Naruto found that Ajuka Beelzebub has developed a peerage system witch helped devil's to reincarnate humans into devils, according to Naruto this could help all the faction.

Naruto was sure it could result in alliance among the faction, Naruto was also wanted a peerage for himself as it was getting lonely.

Naruto decided to ask Sirzechs for a favour as he did not know Ajuka that well to ask a favour, but the red head was different case as Naruto has helped him civil was providing the information. He was never directly involved.

Naruto appeared in Lucifer territory as it was where Sirzechs was living as he took over the role.

He appeared in Sirzechs office he was greeted by a maid thrusting a ice knife towards him. Naruto easily stopped it with his finger. Sirzechs immediately recognised Naruto as he asked maid name Grayfia.

Grayfia did as she was instructed. Sirzechs bowed to Naruto as this action made Grayfia's as big as an diner plate. She quickly followed his action and bowed to Naruto.

Naruto greeted them as they sat and discussed matter with Sirzechs, As they were talking the door of the room burst open and in came two little girl's about 5 or 6 years old, one with a long red hair and other with black hair and violet eyes.

Naruto recognised them as Rias and Sona. Naruto got on his knees as the two girls ran and hugged him, Naruto hugged them as he ignored crying Sirzechs at the back.

Naruto picked them up as he sat back on his chair with girls sitting on his lap.

Sirzechs asked what the girls were doing here, Sona was the one to answer " Sirzechs sama we are here to ask you to break off our engagement"

Naruto spitted the water he was drinking as he looked at Sirzechs in shock, Grayfia handed Naruto a napkin.

"I don't want to marry fried chicken aniki" said Rias. Naruto could not control his laughter after hearing what the immortal bird has become. Grayfia and Sirzechs were trying there best to keep there straight phase.

We want to marry Naruto sama said Sona. This time Naruto choked on his tea. Sirzechs was having time of his life as he rolled on the floor throwing the dignity he had as Maou. Grayfia was also laughing but she maintained her dignity.

Naruto on other hand had to idea how to react to being proposed. Then Naruto had a brilliant idea.

You know what Rias, Sona I will marry you but not at the moment I will wait till you turn 18, I will approach you if than you still wanted to marry me then we will get married.

Rias and Sona both happily agreed. Naruto was happy that he dodged a bullet. The two girls got off Naruto's lap and left.

Naruto are you serious asked Sirzechs. Yup, by the time they turn 18 they will forget about me said Naruto.

You are wrong on that part Naruto sama, Rias and Sona sama are quite stubborn Said Grayfia.

That all is well and good but what will Serafall think about this. Said Sirzechs.

Naruto imagined an angry Serafall as he was no mood to find out how much his imagination was correct. He asked Sirzechs to send him his Evil Pieces. As he teleported out of the room.

The gate of room was blown open by a very angry Serafall. Sirzechs looked toward Grayfia's direction to find out that he was standing there alone.

Sirzechs let out a high pitch scream as Serafall jumped him.

Naruto prayed for Sirzechs.

Few months had passed since the incident Naruto received his Hybrid Pieces something odd about his Pieces was that included a king pieces with was not normal.

According to Ajuka these were the prototype piece it would never see the light of production there were only 11 of these.

Naruto was excited to find a family for himself.


To be continued.............

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