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Three men had shot a hallway full of scientists and defense robots known as R.O.B machines.

"You sure we'll be ok?" The one in black and red armor asked.

"Trust me S has this in the bag." the one in blue armor said.

"Let's just get in there and kill that bastard in there, alright you two?" S asked

The two other men nodded and they kicked down the door of the dictator taking orders from the colonist.

"Hold on don't shoot please!" The leader yelled.

"A you conformist, when they came you allowed them to take us all hostage as a part of his system." S said.

"Yeah, Y and I, the me I not I I, have lost everything because of them." The blue one said clutching his fist.

"I had no choice otherwise..." A stopped mid-sentence in horror.

"Surprise!" A masked man yelled starting fighting S.

He elbowed the blue one's gun away and fired a knife into his chest, then kicked S in the leg sweeping the knee of the other and holding his hands together and the masked man's left eye started glowing red and a beam shot through S' skull leaving a gaping steaming hole in the forehead.

The red and black one started running back down the hall but getting stopped by a robotic cat with semi-moving parts on it with two robots on his side a C14P-Tr4P unit and a R.O.B machine.

"Ah, thank you Z, now A broadcast this on all the city." A voice said.

He revealed himself to be a purple cat wearing a cloak.

"Now you two give him a haircut." He continued.

A watched as a droid picked up the camera.

"So, what's your name exactly?" The cloaked one asked

"U, that's my name." U said as the C14P unit shaved some of his stubble with and old, old school razor blade.

"Ah, y'know what's funny about the people on your planet is that you're all called as a letter of the alphabet, in most languages too it's fairly fascinating." The cloaked one said. "But I gotta ask, why go through this trouble to kill A, if I must add he's a puppet to my grander plan." He continued whispering the last part.

"My family, my wife she was shot at by those Rob robots and the multiple other machine attacks you hide from the medi-*Ack*" U was cut off by the black cat's hand with flames in his eyes.

He snapped making a healing unit rush in and shooting at the man with a heal beam as A watched it all go down.

The cloaked cat grabbed the razor and started slowly cutting off the man's face as he started screaming in agony while the cat stayed silent, he then peeled it off an threw it into the trash bin.

"Nurse keep him steady, Z rub some salt into that wound." The cat said maniacally as Z did it literally causing more pained screams.

"lease end nehehe." U screamed in an agonized state.

"You want an end to your story?" He asked.

"Take it." He said handing a gun to the man without a face.

He held it to his own face wishing for the sweet release of death, he had nothing, his wife had died with his kids.

"Now people of lexitron, you should now know not to rebel, or you'll end up as a blood stain on the road." He said grabbing the camera and turning it off.

"ugh, fucking rebels." He said looking at A.

"Well I'm sorry sir they snuck in and-"

"I don't care if they teleported in the gun, use it next time." He continued.

Then a portal opened in front of the cat.

"Z, Gumbot come, we have business to do." The dark purple cat said becening the robot and masked man.

A stood as they left, saluting the tyrant.

"Now Shadow man, is Doomsday working?" The cat asked.

"Well Mr. Black-cat it needs some more energy but it can do enough damage to wipe a small scale town." The shadow said.

"How small scale are we talking?" Mr. Black-cat said.

"Eh, the size of something from the wild west." Shadow man said tapping his tablet.

"We need more power then, perhaps something from an alternative universe will do." Mr. Back-cat said tapping his face.

"By the way boss Mania has been helping out with scouting for villainous opportunities, I think a good place to start would be who he calls Ivo." Shadow man continued taking his candy cane coloured cane out and twirling it.

"Yes I do believe it is a great place to start, but I have had one thing on my mind since this started, a certain target who I think I am ready to take care of." Black cat said as the two arrived in his office.

"Do you know what I mean Shadow man?" Black-cat asked tapping his fingers.


Black-cat grabbed a walkie talkie and then tuned it.

"Z, I have a mission for you, hunt down and kill that certain chosen one." He said as Shadow man gasped.

"Yes sir." Z said.

"Boss, we're actually gonna kill him, what about the other two?"

"Not to worry shadow, they'll need him to become their most powerful."

"Oh yeah, gee I bet he doesn't even know we're about to kill him, he'll be deader than some possum playing dead, of course unless he at the rightest of times found it.

"Shut up Shadow Man."

A looked in his desk for a gun, found one, and pointed it at his head tearing up at what he'd become, That horrid cat who enslaved his planet, turning it into a commonwealth.

He then threw the gun out of rage, panting heavily as he saw the bloodstains still on the rug.

Gumbot then walked inside with another metallic next to yet slightly behind him.

"A, I Require that you leave the area for the maintenance work immediately." The robot said as the metallic grabbed a wrench in excitement.

"Of course." A said.

"And that gun, If you're going to end yourself I'd suggest doing it in your own home." Gumbot said handing A his pistol.

Z Watched as the new machine, the Telemension was brought to him by R.O.BS rolling in.

"Where do I go?" Z asked.

"Here take this, it's where to go and how to get back, make sure to kill that man, if you fail I must warn of Mr. Black-cat's wrath." A R.O.B machine said as Z typed the coordinates in causing a yellow portal open.

He took one step in then took his foot out to check if it was completely safe and lo and behold it was.

Well this was it, another assassination to go for Z, in fact his five hundreth to come from Mr. Black-cat no less.

Slowly he walked into the portal to find his target... and end him.

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