Chapter 2- First day in High School went wrong(Part 2)

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Beomgyu's POV

I was strugling with a pen and I accidently I broke it and the ink got all over my hands.I blame Soobin hyung for this.He borrowed my pen and now my hands turned black in just few seconds.I rushed to washroom to wash my hands before it get mixed with my uniform.I went to the gent's washroom as I am boy but I was about to went inside but I saw a boy inside with a girl kissing each other.I was so disgusted that I couldn't go inside.I need to wash my hands right now.Then,I thought I can go to girl's washroom cuz it would take 1 min to wash my hands.It wont disturb other.As soon I got there,I already saw a girl and she screamed loudly at the moment she realized at there was a boy there.Then,Taehyun and the principal came.

Y/n:Crap!First day of High School went wrong.

Principal Jessi:First day??Kim Y/n??
Y/n:Yes,I am Kim Y/n.

Principal Jessi:It is okay that you are here but the fu***** thing I dont understand is what is Beomgyu-shii doing here??

Beomgyu:I can explain ,Principal Jessi.

Taehyun:First both of you,wash your hands.There is ink on your hands.

Y/n:Ohhh!There was on that boy's hand.It also got on my hand when he had pinned me.

Jessi:What!Pinned you??One student of your class reported that there are two students who kiss in the washroom.Arent it you??

Taehyun:Principal Jessi,it is the 1st day of this girl.How can they do that??It is goning since 2 weeks.

Jessi:Ohh.You are right.But,both of you,come to my office right now after washing your hands.

Y/n and Beomgyu :Okay Principal Jessi!

At Principal office

Jessi:So,Y/n,tell me .What happened actually according to your POV??

Y/n:Well,everything was normal.I was nervous cuz you were about take my interview.So,just to practise,I went to washroom to look at the mirror and to practise.But,suddenly,I saw a tall figure beside me and I was shocked and startled by him cuz it was a boy beside me.

Beomgyu:It's Beomgyu.Not any random boy!

Y/n:You are a wolf.Just look at your hair!

Beomgyu:And you are a witch!Look at yourself!!

Jessi:Yaah!Stop bickering!!And tell me more Y/n.What happened about pinning you??

Y/n:Well,when I screamed,he pinned me against the wall and holded my lips but it was too late that a chaos made!

Jessi:Then,we came.And now what happened according to your pov??
Beomgyu:I was in my class and I took my pen from my friend which he borrowed yesterday.But,he did something that I had struggle with the pen and it broke and ink got on my hands.And,I even went to the gent's washroom but I saw those 2 kissing there.I was so disgusted and so I couldn't go inside and I went to girl's washroom cuz I knew that it would only take 1 min to wash my hands.But,she screamed and I pinned her to make her quiet so that no chaos doesn't happen.But,it was too late.

Jessi:Ahh!This is nothing serious!I just brought you guys just without any reason.Beomgyu-shii,go to your class and Y/n,please stay here.

Beomgyu:Okay,Principal Jessi.See you again then(Left)

Jessi:Y/n,do you have your old marks report with you??

Y/n:I do(Handed to Jessi)

Jessi:You are a good students.But,there is always a room for improving.You will do more better in our school.Study with heart and soul.

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