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"How did you find out?" Soyeon asks, but it doesn't even sound like a question because her tone is so emotionless.

"Moon told me. Showed me the contract aswell." I reply. I look at Haku being cuddled by Soyeon and faintly smile at how tiny he is.

"And where did Moon get that from?"

I sigh. "Some guy who works there." I sit up and look at Soyeon, my eyes still red from all the crying. "Look, please don't be mad at me. I don't know how she found out or anything. I don't know anything. I'm just worried you're gonna leave me behind."

"Yuqi, please can I just go home?" Soyeon mumbles into one of my pillows.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask. She stays silent for a bit.

"I'm not mad," Soyeon says so softly I can barely hear it. But I don't believe her. I feel like she's mad at me. I can't stand the thought of Soyeon being mad at me.

I'm scared. I wish she'd understand I'm just scared. Or at least tell me she understands.

I move closer to Soyeon and wrap my arms around her neck, pulling her into a hug. She doesn't hug me back. She doesn't even move a single inch.

"Why aren't you telling anyone?" I ask, waiting impatiently for her answer.

"Because I don't know how it's gonna go." Soyeon replies, her voice tiny and hard to hear again. She still doesn't hug me back, instead her hands stay where they are, covering her face against my chest.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, but I think I shouldn't have. Soyeon hesitates before speaking again.

"I'm scared you'll ruin it for me."

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I wake up and realize I go back to work in less than a week. I'd do anything do get some more days that I could spend just with Soyeon, but I guess she has to go back to work aswell.

Then again, she's the one in charge of her work, so maybe it doesn't work that way.

It feels like we've slept in a little, so I immediately pull away from Soyeon and sit up, then realize she's cuddling Haku while Mata has been sleeping between our pillows. I don't wake Soyeon up, but I suppose she will herself once I get out of bed.

I can't make myself get out of bed yet. Not without some more cuddles, that is.

I yawn loudly on purpose and look at Soyeon.

"Good morning to you too," She says. I chuckle and lay back down, spooning her once again. Haku wakes up and licks Soyeon's nose for a little bit, then wags his tail when we make eye contact. Haku jumps over Soyeon's waist and comes over to lick my chin.

"He's so dedicated..." I say. I soon realize I'm covered in cold sweat. "Did I sleep well?"

Soyeon turns over and faces me. "No."

I blink at her. "You kept moving."

"Oh. Sorry," I reply, and try to remember if I had any weird dreams or something. "Can I make up for it now?"

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