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I open my eyes and I'm faced with Soyeon's hair. I give it a sniff, because of how nice it smells and especially last night, and then turn over to yawn. Shuhua said we have our hands full today, which I can look forward to unless there are obnoxious snobby models we have to photograph.

Therefore, I decide to get up. And Soyeon feels me move right away. I look down at her as she turns over and grabs my wrist.

"Leaving already?" She asks softly. I wanna give her all the cuddles possible when she talks like this.

"I have to," I reply with a whine. "I was told we have a lot to do today."

Soyeon doesn't say anything and hides her face in her pillow, still holding onto my wrist. The urge to get back in bed with her is very strong right now. But, I suddenly get an idea.

"Can I ask you something? Like, something we could do together?" I say, and sit on the bed. Soyeon looks at me as Haku and Mata climb up on the bed.

"Sure." She says.

"Can we get drunk, but like, shit-faced drunk tonight so I can stay home tomorrow?" I ask. "And you can too?"

This sounds really, really stupid.

"Of course." Soyeon replies. I don't think she should agree to what I said so fast. I make her sit up.

"Did you hear me right?" I ask.

"I did," Soyeon says. She looks really cute and huggable. "And I said yes."

I nod. "Okay, so, uh... tonight."

"Tonight," Soyeon says. We stare at each other for a good minute. "So... are you gonna leave?"

"I don't want to," I reply with a shrug. Soyeon looks at me like I should either leave right now or she's gonna drag me back in bed any minute.

"Leave or you're coming back in." Soyeon says. I giggle at her and ruffle her hair before placing a soft kiss on her forehead and running out of her room. Man, that felt nice.

I pick out an outfit in my room and put it on, then rush downstairs to eat a mini cake. Mata follows me, and I can guess Haku stayed with Soyeon. They're probably cuddling. I wish I were Haku right now.

I quickly get ready and then leave the house, walking quickly towards the studio. I check my phone and see a few texts from Shuhua, but I don't bother reading them. I'm gonna be with her in person in just a little bit, so I don't think I should.

I walk into the studio and see a lot of people around. Since when have we added new staff and workers, I have no idea. I scan the place for Shuhua, and sure enough, she's here. But she looks rather panicked as she paces around talking on the phone. Shuhua hangs up as she catches sight of me.

I run over to her. "Hey."

"Hi." She says, looking down. I hate that she didn't add Yuqi dearest after that. "How are you?"

"I'm good." I reply. Shuhua finally looks at me. "You?"

"I'm really sorry. For bringing that up. And for asking Soojin, because really, it's none of my business," Shuhua says, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Seriously, don't worry." I say. "Just like you said, it's all in the past and..."

I trail off. It's impossible not to as I see a girl with pinkish hair wearing a long white dress step onto the set. She looks so goddamn familiar.

"Yuqi?" Shuhua says, but meanwhile I'm trying to remember everyone I've known up until now, and then it hits me as we make eye contact and she smiles. Miyeon.

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