𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟔

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"Yeah, okay. Could you bring back some food? Since I'm in hiding." "Yeah, we'll come by tomorrow with some groceries." "Thanks man." you could hear quite chatter come from the other room. You were in the bathroom sitting on the toilet trying to wrap bandages around your hands after cleaning the cuts. "Come on-" quietly you spoke. "Okay see you tomorrow." "Stay safe." Finally getting the bandage you smile weakly and for a second it was fine but then they come undone. "Fuck! You piece of shit!" you yelled and threw your hands up like a little child. Putting both your legs up onto the toilet you wrapped your hands around them and rested your head into your knees. A quiet knock came from the door and you lifted your head towards the door to see Eddie resting against the doorframe looking down at you with crossed arms "Need some help?" he gently asked.

Slipping your legs back down onto the floor you gripped the toilet seat and looked down bitting your whole bottom lip, not wanting to admit you needed help you stayed silent, in a way it also helped to keep your tears back. Eddie pushed off the doorframe and walked to the sink gripping the counter while looking into the mirror at you. You felt his stare so you raised your eyes up and looked back at him in the mirror. He tapped the counter top, telling you to come to him and you did as he gestured or you think you did. Without a noticed he spun you around and put his hands on your hips making you slightly gasp before he lifted you and placed you on the counter top smoothly, it took you by surprise at how swiftly with ease he did it. Eddie turned and walked to the toilet, you looked down at your hands seeing how bad of a job you did with the bandages. Eddie crouched and picked up the first aid kit you had opened and scattered the stuff around the floor that was in the tiny box.

Walking back to you he places himself between your legs and drops all the stuff beside you. Gently he took hold of your hands and took off the bandages before placing them also beside you. He took some cotton balls and put on saline, slipping his hand under yours he held it before with his other hand gently cleaning your cuts to reduce the pain but it still stung and made you wince, closing your eyes tightly and squeezing your lips together to contain your groans but it didn't last for long. Eddie threw the cotton ball in the bin which rested just beside the counter. Taking the bandage he started to wrap it around your hands covering your palms, you watched every single movement of his and you felt your eyes water as you thought about how Chrissy used to do this, used to help you with this and now, she was gone. It was stupid but you thought how she will never be able to help with this or anything else.

After Eddie was done bandaging your hands he just held them with your palms facing upwards, he started rubbing his thumb slightly back and forward over your palm. You both stayed still in that position, not saying a single word to each other still. It felt like time was frozen and nothing was real, everything was just a hallucination or a bad dream. Was this real? You felt nothing and heard nothing, smelt nothing and saw everything blurry like when you open your eyes under water. Eddie then tenderly brought your hands up to his lips and planted a kiss on your palms, the feeling of his lips lightly brushing against the smallest bit of skin that was exposed brought you back....this was real. He was real. You were real. And Chrissy...

Silent sobs started escaping from you. The boy who stood infront of you looked at you with sorrow eyes before wrapping his arms around you and holding you close to him while your eyes watered a full river.


Opening your eyes slightly your vision's blurry. Blinking repeatedly trying to wake yourself you feel yourself rising ever so slightly up and then back down. Lifting your head you look up and see Eddie sleeping peacefully underneath you as you laid on top of him between his legs. A blanket was covering you both to keep you warm through the chilly night. One of Eddie's hands was resting behind his head while his other rested across your body keeping you close to him. His hand was slightly underneath your shirt and you could feel the cold of his rings against your bare back. You didn't know weather to be mad or upset at this boy, you were confused but, one thing you did know was that you felt safe. Laying your head back down in the crook of his neck you let yourself drift back into sleep. After not being able to sleep for more than twenty four hours your body couldn't resist any longer.

𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐘/𝐧 𝐱 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now