Chapter Seven

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After a week I was released from the hospital and everyday I had been there Sloane came by to visit and sat for hours talking and watching movies with me. Without even realising, I began to form a strong friendship with Sloane my first ever real friendship. She helped me as much as possible and upon release decided to stay with me for a few days in my apartmentto ensure I was safe. The struggles of withdrawl began to get way too much and everytime Sloane would be there to help me through it as much as possible.

Having Sloane potter about the house in some shorts and a vest while sat watching her made recovery a little bit easier and she knew I enjoyed the view. We shared a lot more with each other and I shared with her memories of my life with my mum and brother Jay which she really empathised with me over and held me through the tears. I still held in the tempting questions I had about the woman and child but wanted to wait for the right time to mention it.

"So I have been thinking Dani, I know we don't want to rush anything but I am being deployed in like two and half weeks so I think we need to look into this marriage stuff and medical benefits and rehab before I go."

I look over at her as she brings me some tea and a cold cloth for my head to bring down the fever. She hands me the mug and brushes back a stray strand of my blonde hair before talking again not waiting for an answer.

"What do you say?"

She must sense my sudden panic as she smiles and ruffles my hair as she walks to the other end of the couch and resting my feet in her lap and sharing the blanket.

"I think I want to be over these withdrawls a little bit and definitely get rid of the fever first before we get married."

Sloane nods her head and turns her attention to the tv and we watch the movie in silence until she finally turns back to me after being on her phone for sometime.

"What do you think of this?"

I look at her phone and see the picture of a expensive looking diamond ring and my eyes must go wide.

"So you like it?"

Sloane asks excitedly and I realise what she wants it for.

"Oh Sloane, that is way too much. Honestly, you don't need to."

Sloane cuts me off before I can object any further. She looks a little disappointed by my reaction but perserveres.

"You deserve it all and we do need to see like a real couple for this to work."

I sit in slence for the rest of the evening and lie awake all night thinking about a ring and what it means. I get up and notice it is 3. am and look through the old shoebox in my closet and take out the red velvet box and look at the diamond band in there. It glistens even in the dim closet light and I can't help but remember what this ring signified during my childhood. It was the last happy memory I have of my parents together and the only gift my father ever gave my mother as he sold everything else for some alcohol. I close my eyes and lie in the closet remembering my mother smiling and showing off her ring to everyone before coming home and hiding it so my father couldn't take it and sell it.


A week later, I am standing in a white dress on the beach with Sloane standing in front of me dressed in her formal blues. I realise just how stunning she is in that moment. Some of Sloanes platoon are present as witnesses with their partners and family to cheer us on and watch us marry. All oblivious to the fact that we were not really in love and getting married for real.

I felt a real pang of guilt to see everyone so excited to see us marry but knowing it wasn't real, although it may have been fake some of the feelings I began to feel for this woman was definitely real. The offical began the ceremony as we held hands and stared at each other. Sloane soothed me by rubbing her thumb over my fingers as reassurance. She smiled and I felt like I was safe and protected with her in that moment all at once regardless of being fake or real.

"Now time for the vows, Sloane you're first please."

Sloane smiles and lets go of my hands as she reaches for a piece of paper from her pocket and then begins to read.

Danielle Russo, I have never met a woman that I have felt so protective over for so quickly. You have been a massive influence in my life so far and I can say with confidence that you have changed my whole life. You make me a better person and you make me want to be brave, loving and protective again. You have brought the old Sloane that I believed died back. You are my second chance Dani and for that I will forever look after you. I promise to stand by you forever.

I feel tears well up as she finishes speaking and believe everyone of the words although they are clearly manipulated to avoid telling lies to our witnesses. I begin to recall my views while staring at Sloane unsure of how they will measure up to hers.

Sloane Williamson, my Lieutenant as I so fondly knew you as for the first week of us meeting. You are the most amazing and beautiful woman I have ever met and it shocks me now that you now want to marry me. I have never had any family or anyone that looked out for me like you have after just three short weeks. You are someone I can see by my side for the rest of my life. You saved me Sloane and for that I will forever owe you my love."

We go back to holding hands and looking at each other as the official continues to finish the ceremony. Sloane places an incredible diamond ring on my finger that completely surprises me and I pull out my mothers ring and place it on her finger showing my undying commitment. We are surprised when the official finally turns around and announces, "you may kiss your brides."

We look at each other, pausing briefly before awkwardly leaning across to kiss. My heart races andn I hear the drumming and thumping in my ears as she flutters her eyes closed and our lips crash against each other. Her full, lucious lips against mine taste sweet and feel soft and make me hungry for more when she suddnely pulls away and I left yearning for more.

She looks at me smiling from my eyes to my lips and back again before turning towards her platoon who are all standing cheering. We walk hand in hand down past them as we head towards a beach bar where we all are going for dinner. I don't realise until we get to the bar that Sloane hasn't let go of my hand and it just makes me feel giddy inside. The respect from her is heartwarming and I can hear my mothers voice in my head as we walk into the bar - 'find a man that is loving and respectful and treats yoou like a queen.' Now although I hadn't got the man part I had got everything else...

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