Chapter Twelve

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Losing Sloane made me realise that I lost the best thing I ever had.

For six long and gruelling months, I worked on myself, my body, my mindset and my relationships in Oakwood Rehab Centre. I had made significant strides forward with my brother and we managed to build a strong relationship before he left. He told me about his life and family and what led him to this siuation to end up in rehab. He visited me a few times a month and when the visits stopped, I waited and waited for the news that finally arrived the morning I was getting ready to leave.

"Dani sweetheart, can we speak honey?  I have some news."

Nurse Roberts enters my room as I am finishing up my packing looking cheerful and beaming with pride. She watches with a sense of melancohly as I finish up and sit on the bed. She pulls up a chair and faces me.

"You're starting to scare me now. What's going on?"

I could hear my voice quiver as I looked at her and panic sets in. She moves closer to me and holds my hands before looking at them and begins to speak in a hushed, gentle tone.

"My dear, we just got a phone call informing us of some bad news. Sloane has been hurt badly during battle."

My mouth agapes and next I hear a terrible screech come from somewhere not realising it was me screaming. I had expected news of Jay after he gave up visiting me I suspected something happened but not Sloane, not my Lieutenant. I can no longer control myself that I feel the pain of my heart breaking and shattering to pieces within my chest. Nurse Roberts stays with me for what seems like forever until the old man with the bald head and grey moustache enters my room.

"Hello my dear, firstly I want to apologise sincerely for your wife and I hope she pulls through. She's an honourable soldier. Secondly, as you are aware you are due to leave today however, if you feel the need to stay for another week I am sure we can accomadate for you."

I wipe the tears from eyes and look around the empty room and the bags at the door. I then glance down at the wedding ring I haven't taken off since \i recieved it back as a reward for treatment. I stand and straighten myself up before speaking calmly.

"No thank you doctor. I need to be with my wife right now."


When the bus pulls outside the base, I manage to get my bags off before a young soldier rushes to my aid. He carries my bags to security clearance before running through my details and allowing me access. He arranges a car to bring the bags to the house and gives me access to the house. I drop everything inside the house and go for the door when I open it I see Sloanes captain just about to knock on the door.

"Captain Johnson, please come in. I was just coming to find you! Have you heard anything?"

The captain smiles and nods before stepping through the door and removing his hat.

"You look great dear. I came as soon as I heard you were here. She's doing well, she was shot protecting a young child during what they believed to be a domestic terrorist attack. Sloane jumped in front of the child and took 4 shots to the abdomen. She lost a lot of blood and has many transfusions but for the moment she is stable."

I cover my face and begin to sob. The captain embraces me and then takes hold of me by the shoulders and looks at me dead in the eye.

"She is being flown back tomorrow in order to recieve the best treatment possible here so I can take you to see her then."

I nod and the captain turns to leave the house.

"Captain thank you for everything. Can I ask what happened to the child?"

The captain turns and looks at me before letting out a deep breath.

"He survived however, he is also been treated for torture wounds. He was being used as a suicide bomber when Sloane intercepted it. She saved that child."

I nod and he leaves. I turn and sit on the couch crying at the pain that my wife is possibly going through. I grab my phone out of my purse and open up the messages to Sloane. She has never once replied regardless of the hundreds of messages, calls, emails and letters but I refused to give up.

Dani: Sloane I am so worried about you. I hope you are okay. Remember you are strong and you can get through this. I will be waiting at home for you. I love you. - D xxx

As soon as I send the message it fails to go through and sit feeling defeated on the couch waiting for the hours to pass until I get to see Sloane. I occupy myself for the rest of night by going through all my stuff and unpacking my bags. I go to put up some pictures of Sloane and I when I see that Sloane already has them up and even has our wedding picture front and centre in the living room. I go through all the cupboards and clean up before taking Sloanes car into town to get some dinner and groceries. I head to Foley's Supermarket first and grab some essentials as well as some ingredients for Sloanes favourite foods. My head races as all I can imagine I want to do right now is to look after my wife.

I head to the diner for some dinner and to say hi to chef. When I enter I look around and realise that not one single thing has changed. Chef is happily cooking and waves eagerly at me as I enter. I see two young teens serving tables and I take a seat at a booth having a look over the menu when they approach the table.

"Hey ma'am, what can I get you this fine evening? Would you like to hear our specials?"

I smile up at the young, eager and overexcited teenager, reminding me of myself a few years ago. I glance back at the menu again, already knowing what I want.

"How about the chef's frittata and some of the cherry pie please with a chocolate milkshake?"

She smiles before pouncing off to ring up my order. I notice a woman looking at me from a few booths down and I try to avoid eye contact with her but can't help but noticing each other.

As she stands and moves towards me, I try to recall if I know her or not as she seems to know me as she sits down.

"Dani isn't it? You're Sloanes wife right?"

I give the red haired woman a sideway glance and cock an eyebrow waiting for her to explain who she is. 

"I am Dion's wife Rosie. It's nice to see you again."

I begin to rake my memory for an clue to who this woman is but come to no avail. She must read my confused expression and laughs lightheartedly.

"Dion Burnham is your wife's second lieutenant. Or - was. We were at your wedding ceremony. I'm so sorry about Sloane by the way."

I smile at the reminder of who she is as the hazy faces in my memory come into focus and I remember.

"Oh yes, I'm so sorry. I have been away for awhile and totally forgot faces. How are you? How is Dion?"

The woman gives a halfhearted smile before looking up at me.

"Uhm Dion actually passed away two months ago during battle. Sloane took it pretty hard apparently and now this, we are all really worried about her."

She gestures towards a booth where she came from and a group of young women wave up at me. I recognise some of the faces from the wedding with Sloanes platoon. I look again to Rosie for an explaination.

"We all met here every Saturday night. All the wives, partners and girlfriends of the Falcon Platoon led by Sloane. We are like a little support network for each other and would love to have you join us."

I smile and can't help but feel the saddness that emulates each woman.

"I am so sorry about Dion. I have been away for the last six months so I had no ides. I apologise. And yes, I would love to join you guys I think that kind of support is exactly what I need..."

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