What ya think Sherlock!

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Me: Who the hell are you?

I was looking at a guy who was well definitelly mentally ill because otherwise I wouldn't know how to descirbe what he had on himself. 

It was an old man with a bold head but the thing he was wearing was a lot more bizar than one would like it. For me it was too much. Like he had horns and he was wearing glasses and this white mostache. Then again this was just weird combination but it was getting weirder he had a crow or some kind of bird skull around his chest and white fluff around his neck which was either fur or white feathers. I couldn't quite tell what it wass. However he was wearing all violet, black and white. 

Talking about weird, this guy must have escaped the mental asylum down the road if you know what I am talking about.

???: Ah nice of you to ask. I am Sullivan and I am here for you.


Did he just...

Did he really just say he is here for me?


Wait... WHAT!

Please tell me this is a joke.

It has to be one!

Me: HAHAHA very fun. Where is the hidden camera.

???: What hidden camera.

Me: It's fine and everything is fun but this is going to far. You guys can stop now.

???: Stop?

Me: Yeah. I mean look at what you are wearing. Very funny.

???: Pardon?

Me: So yeah... you guys can stop.

???: You must be confused Iruma.

Me: ....

I was confused since this was a bit going to far for a joke, a prank or anything. This was bizzar. Nothing else. So all I could do was look at this guy with quite the face. It was blank but also filled with confusion and I had my mouth open. 

Did I thought this was a joke?


What else could that be?

I mean when do you ever get a psychopath coming into your room now?

The chances of that are pretty low, right?


Oh please someone tell me it is cause otherwise I am about to flip it!

Sulliva: Iruma-chan, I am here because your parents sold you to me.

Me: S-Sold?

Sullivan: Yes. 

Me: .. Aha.... SECURITY!

I didn't wanted to have anything to do with my parents. I hated them with pation for all what they did to me. There was no way I was about to go with this person to who knows where. Last time they sold me, they sold me to someone who used my body in a very special way not to say what happened to me because I hated it. I wanted to erase the pain, unwanted pleasure and everything I had connected to it. I didn't need that piece of memory at all. 

So the moment I called for Security this guy was doing some ts-ts-ts noises and next thing I know he just swoops me off my chair and flies off? How in the world was this guy flying? It took me soo much by surprise that I basically willingly jumped into his arms as well as hugged him tightly and burried my face into the white fluff. 

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