I challange you!

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The moment me and Alice got back to my own room we found another person waiting there for me. It was a girl and she was very fancy dressed as well. Thanks to me deciding to watch the one person before me perform I knew who this was exactly.

Don't tell me she is here because she doesn't like having someone steal the show?

Come on!

This is show business!

This is normal!

I mean... I am a Siren.

You really think you have a chance on going up against me?

Dream on!

This is the place I belong and I will fight for it!

Me: Ah hello Kuromu, how is it going?

I wanted to be polite and hoped that this conversation wouldn't end up bad at all but the moment I spoke up, I felt the air shift in the room and before I knew it, an ice wall was about to hit me. Thankfully I had Alice who was blocking it with his own fire.

Alice: How dare you attack my master?!

He looked at this girl with malice. I couldn't blame him for that since she did just attack us out of the blue without saying anything and to top that off, she was in my changing room.

Me: I am sure we can talk about this without using our abilites.

Kuromu: You stole my show.

Me: This is how it goes girl. Don't tell me you never stole the show?

Kuromu: That's not the issue here.

Me: What is it then?

Kuromu: This is my concert! How dare you make the crowd go this haywire?

Me: Well it is a concert and as faw as I know you don't own this stadium. So this isn't yours too.

Kuromu: Ahg! You know what I mean.

Me: Do I?

Alice: Let me finish her off for being this rude to you.

Me: No need Alice.

Kuromu: Who the fuck you even think you are?

Me: Neris as you know and I am taking back what belongs to me.

Kuromu: Oh really now?!

Me: Yes. 

Kuromu: You think you can just do this and get away with it.

Once again the room started to get colder but Alice was working against her ice ability. I was really greatful for that but something had to be done. If this was about to continue I was sure she would actually attack me again. This was also a bit strange since I was sure before her there was another propular Akudol. The show business was like this. If you didn't want to drown and get into the forgotten land then you had to be inovative. That was something I learned very early but I was a Siren so that wasn't really the case for me.

Still even if I wanted to give up the stage, I would still continue to sing and get my energy from another source but I wasn't one to give up this early too.

I loved the stage and I loved the feeling of being on one. It was the highligh of my day. Even if the moment of stage were just short, I loved every minute of it. That was the place where I belong and wanted to stay. Who was I to give this chance up. Not with Sullivan, my new grandpa backing me up.

As if on clue my grandpa came into the room and managed to get both demons under controll just with his words.

Sullivan: I suggest you two stand down.

Me: Grandpa?!

I looked at him and he seemed a bit upset. That was all that I had to know.

Did he listen?

Does that mean he is siding with me?

Why would he be angry tho?

Sullivan: I can't believe an Akudol like you would attack my grandson. 

Kuromu: He stole the show from me of course he has to pay.

Sullivan: Then how about a duel?

Not again...

I really can't take another one.

The last one was nearve wreaking enough and it was only yesterday... you want me dead or something?

Sullivan: Of course the stage and the people will be your judges.

Me: Oh... OH I am in!

Kuromu: Me too. 

Alice: Sounds fair enough. I am sure Iruma-san will exceed my expectations again.

Not you again with expectations...

I don't even know you for long and you go like that...

Are you really that strong that I just got to deal with this?

I don't get this world and I don't want to get it.

I have grandpa with me after all.

Sullivan: I'll let the owner of the stadium know. I suggest both of you get ready.

That was all he said before he went ahead and grapped this Akudol before kicking her out. However before he got out, he turned around and winked at me.

I got it!

I won't let this chance go to waste!

Don't worry grandpa.

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