Time to prepare

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Guess what?! This thing was definitelly not the best thing that could happen on the first day of school but the second one was just weird. Now I was at least walking by foot or that was what I wanted to say if not for Fafnir to actually grow huge and then carry me on his back. He literally just grew in front of me after like 10 meters away from my house and landed in front of me not letting me go past him.

This bird was something else. 

Also this was how I got to school only to be summoned to my grandpa's office which I believed was a bad sign but to be honest at this point, I gave up thinking about what was good and what was bad. I mean he put me into this whole scenario after all, it was his fault!

Sullivan: Iruma-chi!

Me: Grandpa?

Sullivan: Oh you look great this morning.

Me: Thanks you too.

Sullivan: It also seems like Fafnir hiere is keeping you safe and sound.

Me: You knew he wasn't a small bird right?

Sullivan: Indeed. His race normally grew large and just deside to stay small in order to hunt better.

ME: And you didn't tell be about this why?

Sullivan: Oh it wasn't relevent, now, sit down my dear grandson.

Me: Okay....

I was about to do that if not for the door to be flung open and that flaming demon came in. He looked quite angry to me but also determind when he approached me until he kneeled down in front of me which left me buffled.

What is happening now?!

Is this really normal?

Demon: I am Asmodeus Alice, Master. From now on, I pledge my loyalty to you and you alone Iruma-san.

Me: Stand up please.

Sullivan: Do you realize what this means?

Alice: Yes, Sir. I will protect my master as if his life was my own.

Sullivan: Good.

Me: Wait! Wait! Wait! Alice, you don't have to do that.

Alice: I do. You beat me fair and square and to top that off you brought me to the infirmary.

Sullivan: Iruma, just accept this.

Me: NO! He has his own life.

Alice: It will be my honor.

Sullivan: This is the course of nature here Iruma.

Me: *sigh* fine. Now why am I here?

Sullivan: I got an invitation for you to be on the stage of the devildoll festival as a guest.

Me: DevilDoll?

Alice: It would fit you well Master.

Me: Cut it with the master and just call me Iruma.

Alice: Iruma-san it is. Thank you for allowing me to call you by your name.

Why do I have a feeling that this will be annoying?

Sullivan: It is a huge stage and you would be the last one to sing on it.

Me: I can sing?

I was soo exited that I went in front of my grandpa with a huge smile. It was something I loved to do after all and so it was quite fun to see the demon struggle with my powers. From what I gathered from the fight with Alice was that I had a chance to actually fight if it was neccessary and win a fight against a demon. Anyways I wanted to be on that stage no matter what.

My eyes were probably sparking as I said that because my grandpa stood up from his seat and came over to me, ruffeling my hair and then hugging me.

Sullivan: Yes. Alice here will accompany you as your body guard. I am counting on you. As for myself, I will be there as well keeping an eye on you just in case.

Me: Thank you!

Sullivan: I promised this to you after all.

Me: Still thank you!

Opera: Since this was something that was sure to happen, I prepared this for you.

Opera who was standing still right next to my grandfather seat came to me with a box in his hand. He looked quite happy but you never knew with these demons after all. So when he gave me the box, I opened it just to find a costume inside. It wasn't any costume tho. It was a stage t costume fitted to my size which I didn't even wanted to ask how he got them.

 It was a stage t costume fitted to my size which I didn't even wanted to ask how he got them

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A/N: It's the 4th one.

I looked at the costume when I took it out and there is just one thing that came to my mind FaNcY! It looked good and I kinda loved the design. Some royalty vibes that I got from it but also some bad boy vibes. I was sure to sing something accordingly and make it fit me.

Alice: At least my master is not cross-dressing.

Me: Why would I cross-dress?

Alice: Because the DevilDolls are always grils.

Me: HUH?! Grandpa is that true?

Sullivan: It is but I pulled some strings that you can be just you on the stage.

Me: Thanks. I do appreciate that a lot.

There was no other word exept that I was hiped for whatever was coming next the only question was when this event would happen and so I looked up from the costume to my grandpa and asked the most important question of all time.

Me: When?

Sullivan: Today evening together with the Akudol Kuromu.

That was all I had to know and I was soo happy. However there wasn't a saying that I wouldn't steal this Akudol Kuromu the show. It was for sure something I would do. This was after all just my beginning!

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