An arrow to my heart... hard to say no!

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It was the moment I got to the dining hall that I saw how much food there was. Honestly I wasn't sure what they meant with all this food. It was just soo much. There was really no way I could eat this all and to top that off, it looked pretty poisonous and unedible to me too.

Sullivan: Com here Iruma-chan. Come sit down.

He was standing right at the end of the table and was petting the chair he was holding as if he was a gentleman and I was a lady who was expecting this. Honestly it was really old fashioned and I was a boy too. So I didn't quite understood why he was doing this but whatever.

The raven seemed to like the chair since he immediatelly went ahaid and sat down on the corner of its back. He seemed confortable around this house which made me wonder if this bird was some kind of pet already.

Me: Can I ask you something?

Sullivan: Sure.

I was walking towards where they were and sat down. It was that cat-demon who immediately started pouring some tea into a cup and offering me it.

Me: Is he a pet?

Sullivan: You mean bird?

Me: Yes.

Sullivan: Now he is your pet. They are loyal creatures and never turn on their own owner.

Me: Huh?

Sullivan: He should be something like a dog on earth.

Me: A dog?

It was honestly hard thinking about a bird like a dog but if what my grandpa just said was true then I guess I had a murder. Ah yes I knew that a pack of ravens was called murder and to be honest it was fitting their description from how they were around this house and looked like.

Sullivan: There are quite a lot outside.

Me: ... I thought they were already yours.

Sullivan: HAHAHAHAHA no, my grandchild. I don't raise birds.

Me: ...

Sullivan: They came here because they saw you and accepted you as their owner.

Me: All of them?

Sullivan: Yes. All of them.

Me: ...

Sullivan: Now now, don't look that shocked. It's naturall here to serve the one powerful person and obey them.

Me: I am not powerful tho-

Sullivan: In a sense you are. 

Me: Hm?

Sullivan: Iruma, I want you to know that ture happiness is not something a lot of deamons feel often. Your voice and the way you always try to enhance that feeling makes it special to us. Some demons would even kill to get you.

Me: HUH!

Wait what?

That makes it sound as if I was some kind of rare good!

It can't be that!

I surely misheard right!

I can't be this valuable!

Sullivan: As I said, we as your family will protect you, right Opera.

Opera: Of course.

Sullivan: I am sure your knew bird pet wi-

Me: Fafnir. 

Sullivan: Pardon?

Me: I decided to call him Fafnir.

Sullivan: A good name Irumachi!

Me: Thanks.

Sullivan: Anyways as I said, there is nothing for you to worry about.

Yeah... you can say this that easily...

You are not he one in danger after all!


What am I even about to do if someone ever tries to hurt me or kidnap me?

I can't fight a demon barehand after all, right?


I guess Fafnir will help me from now on.

I looked up at my bird who by now flew down and landed on my lap as I was sitting on this chair. The bird was really nice and I could tell how much he loved getting pet and the attention he was getting right now as I was stoking his feathers. It was really hard to believe that this bird was a wild bird.

Opera: I'll start serving now.

Sullivan: ah yes please do.

Opera was so nice to place some stuff on my plate and altho I was very hesitent at first, after I took the first bite and tried them out, I started gulping the things down. They were just soo good but the look was deceiving. It looked as if it was rotten as well as poisonous but the truth was this was even better than the food I ever tasted.

Me: This is soo good!

Opera: I am glad you like these dishes. There is more if you want.

Me: Yes please!

This was how I got another filling on my plate and started focusing on my food until my grandpa spoke up again.

Sullivan: Iruma-chan, I want the best for you only the best and that means also getting some education. This is why I enrolled you into the demon school Babylus.

Me: ...

I dropped the meat I had in my mouth as I looked wiht my mouth gaping open at my grandpa.

Opera: Are you serious Sullivan-san.

Sullivan: Of course. I am. It is the best school and he can wear this!

He pulled out a uniform and the point of showing me that uniform was apparently because it was cute and it would fit me the best. That's what he said and for some reasons I found it hard to say no to his puppy dog eyes and agreed on wearing it.

Me: Are you sure, I should attend a demon school?

Sullivan: YES! Why not?

Me: I am a siren not a demon.

Sullivan: Siren, demon, human. We are all the same. We live and we die. So why not? I can guarantee your safety there too.

Me: You sure?

Sullivan: I am your grandpa now and I will always act in the best of your interrest and that means here too.

Me: Do I have a say in this matter.

Sullivan: Of course.

Me: I really don't want to go then.

Sullivan: But look at how good it fits you.

Me: It's a demon school tho.

Sullivan: And I am the principal. So don't worry.

Me: You really want me to attent huh...

Sullivan: Of course!

Me: Guess it can't be helped then.

Sullivan: Good boy Irumachi!

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