Fire on UP!

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The first performence was Kuromu and of course she managed to lift the spirit of the whole stadium but I knew that this wasn't it. There was a lot more you could get out of the people there. It was just something I knew, I felt it. 

Kuromu: Top that looser!

That was all she said after she came down from the statge. It was soo easy for her and yet I couldn't believe how cheecky she was. This little girl was about to land hard on reality. This was nothing for me. This was something I as a Siren could do with closed eyes.

Me: Watch me.

I might have been over confident but there was no chance I would lose to a girl like her. There was really no fucking way I would mess this one up. This was the right I decided to fight for. This stage belonged to me and this life is what I've chose. I wanted it to be like this! That however also meant that I was not about to give it up easily.

I'll be that silver, silver

Lining to the storyIf you thought that IWould turn and runThen y'all don't know me

It was the moment I went on stage. Everyone was quite but the moment I started singing the crowded looked in amazement. It was too soon to tell what they would think about this song but one was clear. I felt the energy in the air in was too much for me to handly. Exitement and happiness was all around me. 

May my fears rest in peace

'Cause that's the old meGot this taste on my tongueI crave the glory

This is it!

Come on!

Show me how much you want me on the stage!

Show it to world!

And scream it ou!

Gasoline in my veins

Be the fuel through my pain (Oh, ah)As we rise, rise from the flames

My life up until now wasn't pretty. I lived through soo much and yet I never gave up. You might stay stubborness was a trait of myself but I would say I was a perfect fighter. I never wanted to give up and let the chance pass by. If I knew something than it would be that chances don't come by, it is I who created them and it is also in my hand to grasp them.

So of course I would give everything on this stage!

Heart of a lion

Never say neverCut like a diamondShine under pressure

The louder I got the louder the people started to cheer. It wasn't for long that I captured all their hearts and the most important part was that I didn't had to be someone else. I didn't had to change who I was to fit in. They accepted me on this very stage the way I am. 

Woah oh

It's time to fire on upIt's time to fire on up

Even Sullivan and Opera and Alice. They were all people who were there for me the moment I saw them. Even though I did had to fight Alice but Sullivan and Opera were different and I wanted to show them my determination. 

I wanted to be here and I would fight for this.

Pound on your chest
It's like there's no tomorrowJust play the game rightNo one can follow
Woah oh
It's time to fire on upIt's time to fire on up

It was one thing being here alone but the thing was.... I never was alone. I might have been on earth but eventho I am just 3 days here, Sullivan and Opera did nothing but care for me. That was something that I knew was hard to fake. Their expressions were pure and Alice was defintielly not one to fake it either. 

They say the struggle is realI say the struggle revealsHow you deal with the monsterThat's inside you?I don't buy into the luckI put my faith and my trustIn my team everythingThat we done been through

You would think that I would have a fair fight right? Too bad that this wasn't the fact because all of the sudden, the lights exploded on the stage and I backed up but I knew being a singer that these things can happen and I didn't stopped for a second. I even made it look as it was intended. 

Gasoline in my veins
Be the fuel through my pain
As we rise, rise from the flames
Heart of a lion
Never say never
Cut like a diamond
Shine under pressure

You want to sabotage me?!

Go ahead and try!

Just do it!

Show me what you can!

You lost anyways.

I have people backing me up!

I have a life to protect!

I am not gonna give up here!

Woah oh
It's time to fire on up
Woah oh
It's time to fire on up
Pound on your chest
It's like there's no tomorrow
Just play the game right
No one can follow

There was a lot I wanted to do and a lot I wanted to say and I could only do that when I gather all my courage and do it. 

"Luck is where opportunity meats preparation"

That was something I heard through all my life. It was not something that was random or arbitrary, not given and not earned. One has to have the will to create the opportunity oneself in order to show what they can do.

Woah oh
It's time to fire on up
Woah oh
It's time to fire on up
Hey, hey, heyHeart of a lion
Never say never
Cut like a diamond
Shine under pressure

Life was hard. That much I knew but why did had to obey by the rules when I could create my owns? This was my stage and my opportunity. It was the one chance Sullivan, my dear grandpa gave me and who was I to waste it!

It's time to fire on up
It's time to fire on up
Pound on your chest
It's like there's no tomorrow
Just play the game right
No one can follow
Woah oh
It's time to fire on up
Woah oh
It's time to fire on up
A-a-ah, a-a-ah-a-a-a
A-a-ah, a-a-ah-a-a-a

I gave it my all singing the song thinking about the last couple of days I spent here and I came to the conclusion that this was the place I belonged and wanted to stay. It was the place that I knew would fit me and the one I would fight for.

A/N: Again sorry for the broken formation. I did try fixing it but it didn't let me do it right...

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