Chapter 1 A Family Dinner

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New Berk a bustling town full of happy people, building and living in a prosperous time. It was a calm still night. The streets were dimly lit by flickering street lights. Suddenly a cry filled the air.

"Stop! Thief! Help please someone help!" An old woman called as a thief made off with her purse.

As if waiting for her call a young man in red and yellow armor jumped out. His horned helmet wobbled on his head partially exposing his face. "Fear not citizen! The Magnificent Nightmare shall assist you. Just stay here and bathe in my glory."

The young man then proceeded to flex his muscles. Neither Nightmare or the old lady were able to see the dark figure perched on the building above them. The dark armored figure shook his head as Nightmare continued to flex his muscles, ignoring the fleeing thief. He turned his gaze to follow the retreating thief. He waited as the sensors in his helmet scanned the thief.

The figure shook his head again. "Seriously? He is messing up taking down a terror class thief."

The man sighed and stood up. He spread his midnight black wings as he stepped off the roof. As he silently glided toward the thief he reached into one of the pouches on his belt and pulled out a small orb. He extended his left hand and shot a small blast ahead of the thief. As the thief struggled to stop the man tossed the orb at the thief. As it fell the orb opened into a bolo that bound the thief. The dark man swooped down and picked up the thief. In midair the man made a spin and headed back to where Nightmare was still preening. The dark man dropped the thief and with a shrieking whistle disappeared into the night.

Hiccup Howard Haddock opened the front door to a resounding crash. He closed the door with a sigh before looking into the living room. He spotted the broken table split in half at his father, Stoic Haddock's feet. Stoic was almost seven feet tall and almost as wide. His red beard covered his chest and matched his hair. "This is unacceptable! This never would have happened when I was younger. That damned Nightfury would have been caught long before this and forced to join the Hero League or be labeled a villain. They wouldn't be allowing him to claim credit for apprehending villains. Vigilantes are the lowest of all lows."

Hiccup glanced at the tv to see a news caster talking about the new hero making waves in New Berk. The Nightfury never shows himself, never actively takes credit for his deeds, and never misses. Hiccup turned as his mother Valka Haddock, with her slight frame and long brown hair, walked in and tutted. "Stoic that's the third table this month. At this rate we won't have any furniture."

Stoic sighed and sat back down in his recliner. "Sorry love, it just drives me mad how we had to retire early."

Hiccup frowned and headed for the stairs. He called out as he passed through. "I'm home, I've got a lot of homework so I'll be in my room."

Stoic grunted as Valka called up to Hiccup's retreating back. "Hiccup! Don't forget we have a family dinner in a few hours!"

Hiccup waved his hand in understanding as he entered a code into the keypad next to his door. He had installed it himself when his dad had ripped off the door multiple times in one week. The doors and walls of the house were all reinforced to withstand Stoic's immense strength. The keypad was to keep his nosy parents out of his room while he was gone.

Hiccup turned on the lights as he shut the door. He set his bag down and pulled up a chair at his desk. He tapped the desk causing a screen and keyboard to light up. "Hey Toothless is the diagnostic done?"

A small black dragon like creature appeared on the screen. A deep voice spoke from hidden speakers. "The new armor, a mix of 65% black scale, 25% gronkle iron, and 10% nanite fabric, is 25% stronger. However it has lost 10% flexibility."

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