Chapter 14 Family Dinner Retake

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Hiccup looked at Stoick and Valka for a moment before sighing. "I know you just wanted what was best for me. However what you did to me has made my life harder."

Valka spoke up. "We never ment to hurt you. Please Hiccup we want to be a part of your life."

Hiccup glared at the pair. "No, you just want to claim credit as parents of a genius."

Gobber stepped forward and placed a calming hand on Hiccup's shoulder. "Hiccup they have been talking about this for weeks. Long before yer award."

Hiccup was silent as he thought. Astrid remained silently by his side. Hiccup sighed before looking strait at the pair. He wrote a note and handed it to them. "This is my current address. Come over next Friday for dinner. Right now my friends and I are honoring the life of a great hero that we worked with. I know you didn't really like Nightfury but he was making a difference."

Valka brightened as Stoick nodded in understanding. Valka grabbed Hiccup's hand before he could leave. "Thank you Hiccup. We will be there, I'm sorry about Nightfury. I hope you and your friends still have a good time remembering the good times."

Hiccup smiled and nodded. He turned with Astrid and joined his friends as they walked towards Dagur's restaurant. Dagur promptly placed large plates filled with steaming food on the table as the others sat down. They ate in silence and finished the food before talking about the ceremony. Hiccup sighed and leaned back as Dagur began to bring out dessert. "Dagur you have out done yourself again."

Dagur smiled before giving a breathy sigh. "If only it could help me win the heart of my Valkyrie. You seem to have won the heart of yours."

Hiccup and Astrid blushed. Hiccup chuckled and stood up. "Not quite."

He faced Astrid and knelt down. He pulled out a small black box from his pocket. Astrid sat speechless as Hiccup opened the box to reveal a ring nestled on red velvet. "Astrid Hofferson you have been a guiding star in a dark time in my life. You are my childhood crush and I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?"

Astrid was still speechless and could only nod yes. Hiccup smiled as he stood amid the cheers of their friends. Hiccup placed the simple silver band with a small diamond on her hand. Hiccup pulled Astrid close and gave her a small kiss.

Dagur clapped Hiccup on the back nearly sprawling Hiccup on the ground. "Well done brother! I will begin planning the dinner for the wedding."

Hiccup chuckled. "Take your time, I think my bride to be would like to finish school first."

Astrid nodded as talk turned to the games scheduled for just before graduation. Eret chuckled. "We stand a chance of winning if Snotlout can keep his ego in check long enough."

Hiccup nodded. "Yes, but he has grown a lot under your teaching."

Dagur hummed. "True but he still has a big ego."

Everyone laughed as they agreed.

Hiccup nodded his head as he checked each of the dishes he had made for the dinner. Astrid was placing plates on the table when a chime went off. Astrid looked up at Hiccup with a confused look.

Hiccup smiled. "I got bored so each code causes a different chime."

Hiccup smiled again as Astrid shook her head and went to the door. She opened the door and let Stoick and Valka in. "Welcome dinner is just about ready."

Valka smiled. "Thank you dear. Will you be joining us tonight?"

Astrid nodded as she took Stoick's coat to hang up. "Gobber thought it would help keep tempers in check."

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