Chapter 6 New Home

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Hiccup sighed and looked at each of them in turn. "Because you three have been my friends for a long time. Had I known that Eret was your friend Dagur I would have trusted him earlier. I am also tired of keeping something so important in my life hidden from those I care about. You also leave me little choice as you did see me venting my frustrations about what happened to me. I hope you will help me should I ever loose control."

Toothless gave a soft whine. "You made me to help you. You even made me to help you train. You even made your suit with limiters so you don't hurt anyone. If anyone tries anything then I will personally deal with them."

Eret stood and walked over to Hiccup. He stood for a moment glancing between Hiccup and Toothless before holding out his hand. "It would be an honor to work beside you. I for one am glad to have you around just as you are. I agree with Toothless anyone messes with you they will have to deal with me and my gang."

Cami jumped up. "That's right Hiccup we are your friends and we will stand beside you no matter what!"

Heather and Dagur nodded. Hiccup stood with a smile. "Alright then we will be a team. Our first order of business should be figuring out who caused the incident tonight. The men in the warehouse said it was a distraction to prevent anyone from interrupting their search for the hard drive."

Eret hummed. "Whoever it was likely has connections to whoever kidnapped you seven years ago. You said you were held in that warehouse for months. Wait, Dagur do you remember when our dads talked a few years ago? They talked about someone called Bewilderbeast having gone mad and nearly destroying the treaty."

Dagur shrugged. "I did my best not to listen to dad back then." Suddenly Dagur's phone chimed. "Speak of the devil, looks like you and I are not welcome at home any more Heather."

Heather sighed. "Honestly I expected this to happen much earlier. I just hope we have enough to live off of until we can get settled into a new place."

Hiccup smiled. "Don't worry about that. I've got you guys covered. Follow me."

Hiccup led them up stairs to the second floor. "I set these rooms up when I first bought the place. The keypad codes are your Birthday's. The walls and doors are reinforced with a gronkle iron alloy that is even able to withstand a full on charge from a quaken or rumblehorn class. They are sound proof and has a computer that connects directly with the Forge works mainframe. I do advise caution however as they are tapped into the Hero League mainframe."

Hiccup entered the code on Dagur's new room. "They come complete with kitchen, dining room, living room, and bedroom with walk in closet. There are also one and a half bathrooms."

Dagur dashed in and squealed at the sight of the walk in closet and armor stand. Heather shook her head and went to check her room. Cami whistled. "Wow Hiccup all of this at the age of seventeen."

Hiccup laughed. "Eighteen actually my birthday was two weeks ago."

Dagur rushed out of his room. "What?! We missed celebrating your birthday!"

Hiccup shook his head with a sad smile. "It's okay Dagur most don't remember my birthday any way."

Eret shook his head. "No can do Chief, we can't let this go. Tomorrow we are going to the best restaurant and celebrating. Beside we need to cement our team connection by doing something fun together."

Heather huffed in annoyance as Astrid followed her to Dragon's Edge. Mrs Ack had paired them up for a project and Astrid had refused to work at her place because of loud siblings. "Okay, so don't touch anything. Dagur already got beat up for messing with one of the models."

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