Chapter 15 Final Battle

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Hiccup felt his body burning even as the ice encased him. A roaring sound filled his ears. His mind raced at the injustice of finally having everything falling into place just to have it snatched away. He had power before why couldn't he use it now? Even with knowing he was frozen Hiccup let out a shriek that grew louder and louder.

Astrid couldn't tear her eyes away from Hiccup and his dragon like form. Black scales ran down his arms to a set of sharp black claws. Black scales also covered his face making his green reptilian eyes more striking. A large pair of black wings were folded along his back. His tail lashed back and forth helping him keep his balance as he attacked Drago.

He slashed at the large man. Every time he attacked the buzzing stopped. Suddenly a black shape knocked the man back. The black creature turned to him and whined. Hiccup shook his head as his mind began to clear. He growled as he spotted Drago getting back up. Hiccup charged at Drago again. Drago moved to block what he thought was another slash. Hiccup slammed a kick into Drago's side followed by a tail slap. Drago bellowed in pain as he was slammed into a wall. While Drago was distracted Hiccup activated his Nightfury armor.

Drago roared. "I will kill you!!"

Hiccup dodged a blast of ice as the heros renewed their battle with the enhanced dragons. Hiccup growled. "Not today Drago."

Hiccup fired a few blasts as he contacted the D.R.A.G.O.N.s through the coms. "Send out sound interference for bewilderbeast. He is controlling the enhanced dragons."

Toothless nodded and turned to the others fighting in the arena. He sent the signal to them before turning back to help Hiccup. Hiccup smiled as Drago shook with rage at the enhanced dragons looking around confused. Hiccup used Drago's distraction to land a few blows. He jumped back as Drago swung wildly. "It's over Drago! Give up now."

Drago growled and held up a switch. "Never!!! I will see my vision fulfilled!"

Hiccup charged at Drago just as he flipped the switch. Large explosions filled the arena. People screamed as they were engulfed in a thick red mist. As the mist cleared Hiccup looked out to see that similar explosions had also gone off around the city, covering it in the red mist.

Heros and humans laid on the ground writhing in pain. A deep growl alerted Hiccup to turn around. He dodged to the side barely missing being encased in ice again. He sucked in a surprised breath at the sight of Drago.

Drago was still growing but was already filling the arena. Large tusks extended past his face. A large frilled mane extended toward wing like fins on his back. A flat fin like tail waved back and forth. Drago roared displaying hundreds of sharp teeth.

The heros and humans slowly began to get up shaking their heads. Many began to back up at the sight of Drago. Hiccup growled and faced Drago. He had been unable to stop Drago as a child. He had been forced to endure pain beyond measure. He had barely held Drago's plan at bay as Nightfury. Now Drago had hurt his friends and family. Hiccup felt rage and anger filling his mind.

He jumped onto one of the ice spikes Drago had created and roared his challenge. Drago growled and roared in acceptance of the challenge. Hiccup fired blast after blast at Drago, jumping from ice spike to ice spike Hiccup dodged sweeps of Drago's tusks. Drago roared in anger at being unable to stop Hiccup. Hiccup's answering roar made the heros stand strong.

Blasts began to hit Drago. Hiccup turned in surprise to see heros, enhanced dragons, and even humans now with dragon powers, attacking Drago. Hiccup turned back and began charging a large blast while Drago was being pushed back. Drago shook his head with a roar and charged at Hiccup. Hiccup loosed the blast he had been charging at Drago. When the smoke from the blast cleared one of Drago's tusks lay on the ground. Hiccup roared in triumph until he spotted Drago. Drago had fallen against the far wall of the arena. The wall had collapsed with only large support beams jabbing into the air. Drago lay impales on these beams. Hiccup looked down in sorrow

Hiccup was jolted out of his thoughts by Astrid tackling him in a hug. He hugged her back. He looked up to see his friends and family looking at them. He sighed and jumped off the spike Astrid following close behind. His friends rushed over and began to babble about the sudden return of his powers.

Dagur jumped up and down. "You have powers again! Congratulations brother!"

Heather nodded in thought. "It seems that having Drago's formula active in your body for so long made the changes permanent. You just need the motivation to use them again."

Hiccup jumped when Astrid jabbed into his side with a spike. "That's for scaring me."

Hiccup tore his helmet off and was about to yell when Astrid kissed him passionately. "That is for everything else."

Hiccup smiled and kissed Astrid again. "I could get used to this."

Astrid hugged Hiccup tight. "I thought you were dead when he froze you."

Hiccup hummed in agreement as suddenly Stoick, Valka, and Gobber rushed up. Valka began checking over Hiccup's body. "Are you alright? I was so worried!"

Hiccup chuckled until Stoick slapped him on the back. "Good work son! You are far stronger then I could have ever predicted. I always knew you were going to be greater than any of us."

Hiccup was about to speak when Gobber crushed Hiccup in a hug. "Oh thank the gods yer okay lad! What nice armor, you always did good work."

Hiccup shook his head. "Gobber can you please let me speak? Everyone is asking what is going on and we really need to find that out."

Toothless suddenly spoke up. "I just finished analyzing traces of the gas. It contained traces of Drago's original formula."

Heather sighed in relief as she began to speak. "Then we can use the cure to revert everyone."

Toothless shook his head. "It has some traces of the original formula but it is mixed with a new different formula."

Heather paled. "That means all of New Berk had become enhanced with dragon powers."

Mala walked up with a frown. "That is not all, a ship was set to leave port just after the explosions. Throk was able to spot it just beyond the barrier. He has confirmed that not only have they crossed the barrier but that the gas has affected them as well. They were all dragons."

Hiccup sighed. "This is going to take a lot of work."

Gothi walked up and tapped her cane on the ground. She began to use sign language. Gobber attempted to translate. "This problem may be new but the answer is gold."

Gothi scowled and whacked Gobber in the leg. "Ow! Watch it ye old bat! Oh old the answer is old."

Hiccup laughed at Gobber as he contemplated Gothi's words. His face brightened as he realized what Gothi ment. "Elder Gothi do you have a way to gather world representatives."

Gothi nodded causing Hiccup to smile. "Okay, I have an idea."

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