Chapter 9 A Trap

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Fishlegs walked into Dragon's Edge and blushed when he saw Heather at the counter. "Hi Heather, how is he today?"

Before Heather could answer a large crashing sound came from the back followed by muffled cursing. Heather sighed and placed a hand on her chin while her elbow rested on the counter. "He still has that tail and has been locking himself up in the lab every morning."

Fishlegs nodded as he headed for the lab. "At least nothing else has happened since the Red Death Incident as the hero league calls it. He has had a few weeks to rest and regain his strength."

Heather sighed again. "The only problem is that he isn't really resting. He is still working to find out who the masterminds behind everything are."

Fishlegs joined Heather in another sigh. "At least he isn't working alone anymore, we can now help him when he is in trouble."

Suddenly Eret ran in with Thornado on his heels. "Where is Hiccup? We've got a problem!"

Heather pointed to the back. Eret darted past the pair toward Hiccup's lab. He pounded on the door until Hiccup opened the door. "Hiccup you need to turn on the news."

Hiccup huffed. "You mean the anti-vigilante act. Yes, I already know. It just means we have to be careful. Heather has already agreed to Astrid bunking with her for the time being."

Eret sighed in relief. "Okay can you take a look at this? Pulled it out of one of the lads. He was wild nearly took my head off."

Hiccup picked up the dart that Eret held out. A little of the purple liquid clung to the glass. He hummed in thought as he took it over to the computer. A light scanned the dart and data began appearing on the screen. Hiccup scowled. "This dart contained a liquid similar to death gripper venom. It has been altered and is more potent, making it easier to command other dragons. It also can send them into a rage where they don't recognize anyone."

Fishlegs gasped. "Do you think it has anything to do with red death?"

Hiccup nodded. "I found traces of death gripper venom with the same alterations in the red death samples you and Windshear collected."

Eret scowled. "Then it is safe to say that it was the same man in the video that did this to my man."

Hiccup nodded and had a map displayed in front of everyone. "Do you know the area your man was in?"

Eret walked over to the map and looked for the area. "He was heading home. He lives in this area but we located him here."

Hiccup placed markers where Eret pointed. "It looks like he was hit somewhere along here."

Fishlegs looked at the map in confusion. "What makes you think that?"

Hiccup pointed to the various places. "There are cameras along all of his route except here. So someone had to target him here, likely from this building as it has the best angle of attack." Hiccup paused, tail twitching as he thought. "This might have been the same man that shot red death. It is safe to say he is helping bewilder beast in exchange for making himself more powerful."

Fishlegs nodded. "What I don't understand is why he suddenly attacked someone. Do you think it was random?"

Hiccup hummed in thought. "Hard to say if it was random or if there is more going on. We won't know more until a pattern emerges. I doubt it is going to be a single occurrence."

Heather huffed. "What ever happened to the days of simple villains robbing a bank or holding the city hostage with some stupid over the top plan?"

Eret nodded. "Most still do, it's just these few that are endangering the pseudo peace that stands between heros and villains."

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