Chapter 8 New Friends

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Dagur began to pace in panic. "Oh no, oh no! What are we going to demo?!"

Heather walked over and slapped Dagur making him stop. "Stop your deranged ranting! You and Thunderdrum take him back to Forgeworks. Smoker, you and I will check in with Nadder to see if she knows anyone that can help and keep a secret."

Astrid walked through the remains of the harbor looking for any sign of Nightfury or his team. Suddenly her com crackled to life. "Nadder slip into the next alley on your right."

Astrid glanced around the grey area then slipped into the alleyway. Smoke breath and Razorwhip stood in the shadows. "Thank the gods you guys are all right. How is Nightfury? We lost sight of him in the explosion."

Razorwhip sighed. "He was hurt badly. We have equipment that can help but not the knowledge and we can't exactly take him to a regular hospital. Even a hero run hospital might not help him unless he reveals his face. Please Nadder, do you know anyone with medical training that can keep a secret?"

Astrid stood silently for a moment as she debated who could help. "I think I know someone that can help but before I involve him you have to let me know the secret as well."

Astrid heard Smoke breath growl. "What makes you think you deserve to know?"

Astrid sighed. "Considering I just risked my position with the Hero League to defend you and Nightfury there should be fair reparations. I also want to make sure that Nightfury is okay. He really cares about this city and not about reputation."

Smoke breath growled again as Razorwhip snorted. "Fair enough Nadder. Bring your guy to Dragon's Edge. Silver will guide you into the back."

Astrid nodded and rushed off to look for Fishlegs. She spotted him standing next to a large charred rib of the red death. He was collecting samples and muttering about testing them in the school lab. "Gronkle I need your help, but what ever you see must be kept a secret okay."

Gronkle squeaked in surprise at Nadder's sudden appearance. "Nadder! You scared me. You can't just sneak up on a guy like that."

Nadder shuffled a bit. "Sorry it's just that this is important, can you help?"

Gronkle sighed and began to walk away. "I'm sorry I can't. You've been placed on the probationary list because you defended Nightfury. If I were to help you I could get into real trouble."

Nadder dashed in front of Gronkle. "Please Gronkle, this is a matter of life and death."

Gronkle whined in worry before sighing. "Okay lead the way."

They took off and Astrid spotted the form of Silver in the distance waiting. They flew quickly to Dragon's Edge. Dagur held open the door for them as they landed. "Hurry, Heather is barely keeping him alive."

The pair followed Dagur back to the lab. Laid out on the table a barely breathing figure. A hagard Heather was dashing between different machines getting readings. Fishlegs rushed to help and tripped over a large black tail. He followed the direction of the tail and stumbled back in surprise. Black scales covered Nightfury's chest and arms. Sharp black claws extended from his fingers. "What is this?! This shouldn't be possible!"

Camicazi snorted from a corner. "You just watched him defeat an oversized mad dragon that literally ate someone. Possible should be a very fluid concept right now."

Heather shot a glare at Cami. "Your attitude is not helping Cami. Now Gronkle can you help or not?"

Fishlegs looked at the monitors for a moment. "Yes, pass me the bone setter."

Heather passed Fishlegs an odd wand like object. Fishlegs slowly waved it down Nightfury's torso paying particular attention to his ribs. He watch a screen displaying the ribs setting with a few cracks. "Okay, now we just have to take care of the bleeding do you have any of the dragon clotting?"

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